Education in Faith

1st Sunday of Advent - Year C
Gospel Reading: Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 Theme: Preparing Our Hearts for Jesus
Advent is a journey of hope and love. Let’s walk it together as a family, keeping Jesus at the centre of our hearts. ❤️
This weekend is the First Sunday of Advent. It is a time to prepare our hearts for Jesus' coming. In the Gospel reading, Jesus tells His disciples about signs in the sky, the roaring of the sea, and how people will feel worried and scared. But then, He gives them hope! He says, "Stand up and raise your heads because your redemption is drawing near."
Jesus wants us to be ready for Him, not scared. Advent is like getting ready for a very special guest - someone we love deeply. We clean our homes, decorate, and prepare food when guests visit.
Similarly, we can prepare our hearts for Jesus by praying, helping others, and being kind.
Jesus also tells us not to get distracted by things that don’t help us focus on God. Sometimes, we get so busy with Christmas shopping, parties, or games that we forget to think about what Advent is really about—Jesus coming to be with us.
Let’s use this Advent season to slow down, pray, and share God’s love with our families and friends. When we do, we’ll be ready to welcome Jesus with joy!
Discussion Questions for Families and Children
- Jesus talks about looking for signs. Can you think of any signs around us that remind us of God’s love?
- How can we prepare our hearts for Jesus during Advent?
- What are some ways we can help others feel Jesus’ love this week?
- Sometimes we get distracted by busy things. What is one thing you can do to focus more on Jesus this Advent?
- How can we “stand up and raise our heads” when things feel hard or scary, trusting in Jesus?
Family Activity
Advent Wreath Lighting: Gather as a family and light the first candle on your Advent wreath. Talk about how the light of the candle reminds us that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Kindness Countdown: Create an Advent calendar where each day you choose one kind act to prepare for Jesus - helping a neighbour, saying a prayer, or sharing something with someone in need.
Sacramental Events and Dates - 2025
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place in 2025. Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Parents please ACCEPT or DECLINE an invitation by Friday 6th December.
Dates for Sacraments are:
- Grade 2 will receive First Reconciliation in Term 4 on Thursday, 20th November 2025.
- Grade 3 will receive First Eucharist in Term 2 on Saturday, 21st June 2025.
- Grade 6 will receive Confirmation – Term 3 on Saturday, 6th September 2025.
Reconciliation: baptised Catholics in Year 2.
Eucharist: baptised Catholics in Year 3 or who have celebrated their Reconciliation.
Confirmation: Year 6 Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist.
If you have any further questions regarding your child receiving these Sacraments, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school.
News from St. Kevin’s Parish
Children’s Christmas Party Date: 8th December
Time: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Face painting starts at 2:00 pm)
Location: Church Hall
Children's Catechism and Junior Youth Formation - 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd December Time: 12.15-1.15pm
Advent Retreat for Children and Teens (ages 5 - 15)
You are all invited to participate in an – engaging, enriching, fun filled and wonderful 2 Day Retreat.
This is an opportunity for children and teenagers to come together and participate in fun activities, games, object lessons, meaningful discussions, with moments of prayer and reflection to prepare for Christmas in a meaningful way.
Date: Saturday, Nov 30 and Sunday, Dec 1, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM
Venue: St Agatha's Church, Cranbourne, VIC
Please read the details on the attached flyer and use the link
to enrol children for this retreat.
Lavina Paul - Coordinator
Divine Kids
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
Last week all Mini Vinnies were presented with their certificate by Sumith and Marg, two members of our Hampton Park St Vincent de Paul Conference.
I am so proud of the Mini Vinnies. They have given up their time and we have achieved so much this year:
- raised money for Caritas
- sold Anzac Badges and poppies
- raised money through our Soup & Chat Night and our Twilight Market Stall for Ozanam House and the COTS Program.
- Run the 2nd Chance Appeal
- Run the Winter Appeal
- And we have the Christmas Appeal to go!
Thank you Mini Vinnies for all your hard work this year. You have made a difference within our local community, wider community and in the world.
We would also like to thank Sumith and the Conference members as they have supported some of our families through challenging times during the year. Mini Vinnies are closely linked with our Hampton Park Conference and the students know Sumith and Marg well.
Points this week include points given to students by staff.
The results so far are:
1st | Teresa | 8 236 |
2nd | Patrick | 8 228 |
3rd | Bosco | 7 181 |
4th | Mackillop | 6 961 |
Well done who are in the lead but the other Houses are close! Remember we still have all of this term, including our Christmas Appeal, so one of the other houses may take the lead.
Next week formally begins our SFS Christmas Appeal!
This year each Home Group have been provided with a hamper to fill, for a family in need within our community. Home Group teachers will tell their home groups a bit about the family they are helping. Each student has come home with a small sheet of paper which lists the item they need to bring for their Home Group Hamper. We ask that these are brought to school ASAP but no later than Wednesday December 11th. Please ensure all hamper items are non-perishable and are not past the best before date or used by date. It is important that each child brings their item, otherwise hampers will be missing food. Students will be given House points by their teacher for the items they bring in.
In each Learning Space the LSOs and Mini Vinnies will set up Christmas Trees. On the Christmas Trees we will have tags with children ages and genders that you can buy presents for. The tags will have House coloured ribbons so please make sure when you collect a tag, it has a ribbon that matches your child’s house as once again they will be given points for the presents they bring in.
Parents please note, students will not be allowed to collect a tag on their own. An adult will need to be with them or you can write a note in your child’s diary which they can show to an LSO in their Learning Space and they will help them collect a tag.
This year’s presents will go towards families the Vinnies Soupvan serves and the Cranbourne SVDP Conference. Your donation will be greatly appreciated. Please do not wrap presents but place the tag your child collected from the Christmas Tree on the present and it can be placed under the Christmas Tree in your child’s Learning Space. All presents will need to be returned by the latest Wednesday December 11th.
Thank you for your support with our Christmas Appeal! Mini Vinnies have worked hard to prepare for the Christmas Appeal. Please help them to feel it’s been a success. Remember the House points students recieve, will go towards the Community Spirit Award. The winning House will be announced on the last day of school.
Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies