From the Principal

Let's celebrate the Sensational 2024 School Year
On the last day of the year on Tuesday 17 December
You are Invited to.....
- Christmas Carols in the School Hall starting at 9am. This is always a FUN and festive way to finish the year. Children in all Home Groups will be performing.
End of Year School Mass at 11:30am. After Mass we will conclude with our P&F Christmas.
Staff News
In 2025 we are delighted to announce that the following new teachers will be commencing at St Francis de Sales.
Kevin McKee - Kevin is an experienced teacher who is returning to Victoria after a number of years teaching in Queensland. Kevin has also held a number of leadership positions. He brings wealth of experience in education from Numeracy, Literacy and ICT leadership and even PE. In addition, Kevin also holds a heavy vehicle licence, enabling him to drive busses, trucks and vans.
Amanda Samuels - Amanda will commence her teaching career with us in 2025. Amanda recently completed a very successful final teaching placement with us.
Sarah Fritchley - Sarah also recently completed a very successful final teaching placement with us. Sarah has worked at SFS part time after school with Kharisma Kids while she completed her teaching degree. Sarah currently works at Hallam Primary.
At the end of the year, we will be farewelling Subeen teaching Juniors in LS1, Melissa also teaching Juniors in LS1 and Nicole teaching Music and Dance. All three teachers joined us in 2024 and have made a valuable contribution to our school. It is not necessarily good-bye as we hope to see each of them back with us as CRTs or in future roles. We will farewell them after Carols on the 17 December.
In addition, we will say a sad farewell to Kathy who has been part of our staff for the past seven years working as an LSO -Learning Support Officer. In this role Kathy has impacted many students and made a huge contribution to the learning and wellbeing of students in both juniors and senior home groups. Kathy has always generously given of her time in countless extra ways to ensure the best opportunities for our children. Kathy is moving on to a different role in 2025. We will also farewell Kathy on the 17 December.
The class structure for 2025 has now been finalized and class groups organised. The Home group teacher for your child will be announced in your child’s end of year school report. Reports will be available on Friday 13 December.
Start and Finish Times
Supervision is from 8:30 am - 3:30 pm
If your working hours makes dropping or picking up your child at these times difficult, please use Kharisma Kids or make alternative care arrangements.
Children Arriving Before 8:30 am is NOT Permitted
The staff of St Francis de Sales Primary School, Lynbrook are NOT RESPONSIBLE for your child's safety outside of the school's supervision time.
If your child walks to school, please consider when they leave from home.
Teachers who arrive prior to 8:30am are there to plan for their day.
They are NOT on duty to supervise children.
Kiss and Go Zone
Our Drive through is a Kiss & Go zone. The Kiss & Go Zone is a short term stopping area which will enable your child to walk between your car and the school, using the safety of the footpath.
You are allowed to stop and park your vehicle for no longer than two minutes while students exit or enter the vehicle from the kerbside doors. The zone is a designated No Parking area where you are not able to go in to the school. You need to see your child off, within the two minute time frame.
If you need to walk your child in or spend more time at school you must park in one of the surrounding streets. The times of operation for the two minute parking zone are 8:30 am - 9 am and 3:20 pm-3:40 pm on school days.
Thank you for helping to keep our children and streets safe
Enjoy the weekend.
Christine White