Small group Tuition

Year 7

Small group tuition has been highly effective for our Year 7 students. The students have been involved in personalised learning environments to increase writing or numeracy skills since Term 1 with tutors Tina Kenny and Rachel Warren. 


Some of the key factors that have contributed to the success in small group tuition for our students include:


1. **Personalised Attention**: Students in small groups receive more individualised attention from the tutor compared to larger classroom settings. This allows the tutor to understand each student's strengths, weaknesses, and learning style better.


2. **Tailored Learning**: The tutor can customise the teaching materials and pace of lessons to suit the needs of the group. This ensures that students grasp fundamental concepts before moving on to more advanced topics.


3. **Increased Engagement**: Small group settings often promote more active participation and interaction among students. This can lead to greater engagement with the subject matter and better retention of information.


4. **Peer Learning**: Students can benefit from collaborative learning experiences in small groups. They can discuss ideas, ask questions, and learn from each other's perspectives, which can deepen their understanding of the material.


5. **Building Confidence**: With fewer peers around, students may feel more comfortable expressing their thoughts and asking questions. This helps build their confidence in their academic abilities.


6. **Feedback and Support**: Regular feedback from the tutor helps students identify areas where they need improvement and allows for timely intervention. This can prevent misunderstandings from snowballing into larger issues.


7. **Consistency and Discipline**: Regular sessions in a small group setting can instill discipline and a routine for learning, which is crucial for academic success.


Overall, small group tuition provides a supportive environment where they can receive personalised attention, engage actively with the material, and build essential skills and confidence for future academic endeavours.


This week begins the rotation of students from writing to numeracy and vice versa. This program will run for approx 12 weeks. We look forward to sharing the successes with you.


Priscilla O’Mahoney

Head Teacher Learning and Intervention