
This term we will continue our focus on all aspects of The Resilience Project, developing learners’ ability to see situations from other people’s perspectives and appreciate the importance of belonging to a community. By reflecting on acts of kindness and actively building the habit of making small gestures, learners will further cultivate a ‘sense of belonging’ for themselves and others. Expanding mindfulness strategies to include mindful eating habits and noticing beauty in nature, Level Four students will have opportunity to establish strategies that reset, calm, balance and bring presence of mind. Students’ emotional literacy will be collaboratively developed through guided positive self-talk, creating ‘self-esteem shields’ and investigating how emotions like envy and jealousy can affect relationships.
Key Vocabulary:
sense of belonging, self-esteem, emotional regulation, appreciation of beauty and nature
How can you support your child’s Wellbeing learning at home?
- Having discussions with your child about their day and talking through the emotions and responses they had in various situations.
- Creating opportunities at home for them to show initiative, this can be set up through discussing tasks they might be able to do without any prompting.
- Sharing times, you have regulated your emotions and how you did so.