Welcome and overall learning summary

Dear Parents and Guardians,
We would like to welcome all the new families who have recently joined and welcome back all our familiar faces. The first half of the year has come and gone with such pace. Term Two was full of rich learning opportunities that demonstrated the students’ ability to grow and challenge themselves. Now that Semester Two is upon us, learners will continue to deepen their ethical capability and explore a range of topics including biography writing, time, two-dimensional transformation and how humans share the planet.
Level 4 teaching team,
Dante Sciessere, Ben Clark, Stacey Cupo, Celeste Bayly, Bee Wong and Yuling Weng
Important dates for Level 4
- ICAS Writing – Tuesday, August 6th
- ICAS Digital Technology – Wednesday, August 7th
- ICAS English – Tuesday, August 13th
- ICAS Science – Tuesday, August 220th
- ICAS Spelling – Wednesday, August 21st
- ICAS Maths – Tuesday, August 27th
Please see the ‘Important Dates for Your Diary’ section in our school iNewsletter, published fortnightly, for whole school event dates.