Student Awards

Respectful, Resilient, Responsible
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Arielle | Respectful | Arielle has demonstrated fantastic respectful learner qualities this term. She consistently follows instructions, is kind and caring towards her friends and teachers and sets a great example for other students. Well done, Arielle. |
Prep V | Noah | Resilient | Noah has demonstrated that he is a resilient learner through his seamless transition into St Joseph's so far this term. Congratulations on a successful start to our school community. Well Done!
Junior A | Alexa | Resilient | For showing fantastic progress with your reading this term. Alexa you have improved so much and it’s great to see you persevering when learning new sounds each week. You continue to demonstrate your resilience as a learner every lesson and should be very proud of yourself! Well done, Alexa. |
Junior G | Lucas | Responsible | Lucas, you were a fantastic role model on our excursion to Scienceworks. You followed instructions and were quick to help out your peers. It was so lovely to see you be such a great role model outside the school gates. Keep it up! |
Middle M | Edie | Respectful | Edie consistently demonstrates respect and kindness both inside the classroom and in the yard. Several times this week, she has given things up to allow others to have opportunities. With these thoughtful choices, she helps bring together our new Middle community and make it a mutually respectful and positive environment. Keep it up, Edie! |
Middle T | Isaac | Respectful | It has been a pleasure to welcome Isaac to St Joseph’s and to the Middle Community. He is always respectful and positive in his conversations with both teachers and peers. It was a delight to hear Isaac speak about his time in Malaysia on Friday. What courage it takes to speak in front of a large group of people! Keep it up Isaac! |
Middle J | Dora | Resilient | For the amazing resilience and maturity you have demonstrated coming into a new school this term. You have approached each learning task with a positive attitude and I have already seen how wonderfully kind you are to your peers. We are so happy to have you at St Joseph’s, Dora! |
Senior B | Max | Resilient | Max has displayed resilience through pushing past his comfort zone in literacy. It has been so impressive to watch your confidence grow in literacy every day. Your hard work, determination, and resilience have made me very proud! |
Senior O | Caolan | Resilient | For the perseverance and resilience shown during our fractions unit in Maths. You were a keen participant in whole class discussions when learning new strategies to add and compare like fractions. You then used this knowledge to solve challenging problems. Keep up the incredible effort Caolan!
Visual Arts | Syrah | Responsible | Syria showed a very responsible attitude to both her learning and to managing the choices she had. She was calm and respectful to her teachers and was very kind, cleaning up all our resources at the end of the lesson. I am proud of you Syrah and keep up the great attitude |
Performing Arts | Damian | Resilient | For the perseverance and resilience shown during our concert rehearsals in Performing Arts. You have accepted this new challenge with determination and courage to step outside your comfort zone. Keep up the incredible effort, Damian! |
Digital Technologies | Jacob | Resilient | For sticking with and solving what was potentialy a tricky coding related problem. Jacob used his imagination, his creativity and a fair amount of perseverance to fix up a few errors with his problem and come up with a solution. Well done Jacob on your determination but also on your mature approach to your Digi Tech work. |
Curios, Determined, Self-aware, Creative, Collaborative, Proactive
Class/ specialist | Student Name | Award | Reason |
Prep G | Romina | Proactive Learner | Romina has taken a proactive approach to her writing this term. She confidently and independently put together a fantastic reflection of our visit to scienceworks the other week. She completed her writing with confidence and enthusiasm and should be so proud of the progress she’s made this term. Well done, Romina. |
Prep V | Ben | Determined | Ben has put in a lot of effort into his reading this term and has made impressive progress. He confidently applies his letter-sound knowledge to sound out and blend unfamiliar words. Even when facing challenges, Ben demonstrates great determination and persistence. Keep up the excellent work, Ben! |
Junior A | Isaac | Curious | For approaching our Inquiry lessons with curiosity and enthusiasm. You were super focused when creating your own personal history timeline. It was great to see you make connections between the years and your experiences. Keep up the focused work, Isaac! |
Junior G | Sam | Proactive | Sam has been a proactive learner as he has been working hard to reach his goals. He always approaches tasks with a growth mindset and he continues to seek opportunities to extend himself in Mathematics. It has been great to see him motivated to make sure he has everything he needs. Keep up the hard work, Sam! |
Middle M | Noah | Self Aware | Noah has demonstrated exceptional self-awareness as a learner this week. In mathematics, he sought teacher assistance while using a new addition strategy. By identifying areas for improvement in his work, Noah made the necessary adjustments, achieving success and boosting his confidence as a learner. |
Middle T | Mary | Proactive | Mary has consistently inspired others with her positive and proactive approach to school. She brings great focus to her work and has the courage to ask for help if she needs it. It has been lovely to see Mary demonstrating this learner quality to her peers, as she quickly offers solutions and encouragement to others. Keep it up Mary! |
Middle J | Billie | Proactive | For the amazing way you have come back to learning after your trip away. You have approached your learning with a positive attitude and sought out ways to make sure you understand task criteria across all learning areas. Fantastic job Billie! We’re so happy to have you back :) |
Senior B | Charlie | Proactive | For your initiative and dedication to mastering complex mathematical concepts, particularly in our Fractions and Angles units. Your proactive approach and enthusiasm for learning have set a fantastic example in our classroom. Well done, Charlie! |
Senior O | Kaelan | Determined | For the focused approach you have take in our Maths Unit on Angles. You have used you unique thinking skills to solve challenging problems about complementary and supplementary angles promptly and accurately. Keep up the great learning! |
Visual Arts | Zachary | Creative | For his careful consideration of class discussion points during our Rene Magritt unit. He listened carefully to what features we noticed in the painting and used these colours and methods in his own piece. He was calm, proactive and purposeful during the lesson. Well done Zachary. |
Performing Arts | Kahari | Curious | For your focused questions and creative contributions during our concert rehearsals. Your generous input into class discussions is matched by the encouraging feedback you continually give to those around you. Thank you for helping build such a kind and supportive classroom environment, Kahari! |