Supporting your Year 12 child in their final semester of high school
As students start the final semester of high school, the last semester can sometimes seem daunting. Year 12 is a time filled with academic challenges, personal growth, and significant decisions about the future. While it is important to strive for academic success, it is equally important to prioritise their mental and emotional wellbeing.
Here are some valuable tips from Dr Michael Carr-Greg to help your child navigate the remainder of the year with balance and resilience.
- Sleep is extremely important. Year 12 students need between 8 to 9.5 hours of sleep every night for their brains to function optimally. If your child is getting enough sleep, they will be able to focus and think clearly. They will spend the right amount of time in REM sleep, which is the part of sleep that consolidates memories. It is important to develop good sleep hygiene where no devices are in the bedroom.
- Study in 20-minute intervals followed by a 5-minute break. Short, repeated sessions enable the brain to encode new information more effectively.
- Breaks are good, but constant distractions are bad. Taking breaks is essential for effective study; however, distractions impact your child's ability to learn. It can take up to 20 minutes to refocus your attention. The biggest distraction is social media. Feed and water your brain. During Year 12, it is important for your child to eat brain-fueling foods such as eggs, Greek yogurt, blueberries, and avocados. Additionally, ensure they stay hydrated while they are at school, revising, and during exams.
- Exercise is essential. It is great for your child’s physical and mental health. It has been shown to improve memory, aid in better decision-making, and enable a longer attention span.
- Stress is okay. Experiencing stress in Year 12 is normal and common among students. The right amount of stress can help your child stay focused and motivated to work hard. Stress can be beneficial as it pushes you to optimal levels of alertness and cognitive performance. However, if your child is feeling overwhelmed, confused, irritable, or exhausted, it is important to support them in reducing their stress through effective coping strategies.
- Stay connected and seek support. Building a strong support network is vital during Year 12. Encourage your child to stay connected with friends who support them, and don’t hesitate to reach out to teachers, the senior sub-school team, or the wellbeing team for guidance and advice when needed.
While Year 12 is important, it is only a step towards their future. Encourage students to explore their interests, research universities or TAFEs, research career options, and consider a variety of post-school options. Remember, there are many pathways to success, and it is okay to for your child to take their time to find the right pathway for them.
Year 12 Programs to support students' wellbeing
- Monday - Mindful Mondays: Opportunities for mindfulness activities.
- Tuesday - Check-in Tuesdays: Students are encouraged to check in with each other and help their friends seek help if they are struggling.
- Wednesday - Walk Wednesdays: Students can join a walk on Wednesdays to relax and refresh.
- Thursday - Thankful Thursdays: Students are encouraged to show gratitude to each other.
- Friday - Focused Fridays: We encourage students to complete a practice Unit 3 exam.
In Term 3, parents will be invited to a session with our school psychologist on “How to Support Your Child Through End-of-Year Exams.”
Homerooms in Term 3 for Year 12 students are intended to strengthen students’ sense of school belonging and connectedness and prioritize time to build positive student-teacher and peer-to-peer relationships. This term, all Year 12 students will rotate through positive psychology activities to support wellbeing. The different activities that students will be involved in include acts of kindness, dance and music, yoga, planning and organizing, visualization, and mindfulness colouring or journaling.
Additional Support for Year 12 Students in Term 3
- VTAC Information Session: To guide students through the VTAC process. All students will have a one-on-one careers meeting during Term 3.
- Elevate: Support for students to prepare for final exams.
- Boost Your Unit 3 Exams: Research shows that relearning content multiple times in preparation for a practice exam enhances encoding in the brain, reducing the time needed for relearning before the exam. All Year 12 students will have the option of completing Unit 3 practice exams during their free periods.