Celebrating excellent NAPLAN results
by Mr. Greg Breese, Assistant Principal
Celebrating excellent NAPLAN results
by Mr. Greg Breese, Assistant Principal
NAPLAN results were released at the start of Term 3 and BHHS is very proud of the outstanding results of its students. Many of our students study extremely hard and are very diligent with their learning and their NAPLAN results should be something for many of our parents and carers to congratulate their children on.
The overall level of achievement of our students indicates that they are performing far above the level of students in other schools on average, with the proportion of students achieving results in the top Exceeding band extremely high across all tests. The charts below compare the results of Year 9 BHHS students to those of other similar schools and show that our students are excelling in Reading and Numeracy.
Similarly, our Year 7 students also achieved very high results and show that BHHS is a school where students are joining the school well-advanced in the curriculum compared to their age-expected development.
Not only do students join us well-advanced in the curriculum, but our Year 9 results indicate that our students progress further through the curriculum on average than other students with similar Year 7 results.
The high academic achievement of our junior students is supported by a wide range of enrichment programs for students in Years 7 to 9. These include reading, writing and mathematics programs, such as maths games days, visiting authors and the Victorian High Abilities Program.
The school currently has a focus on writing improvement. This has included working with teachers to develop their understanding of methods for teaching students to be more sophisticated writers, such as explicit teaching of the use of conjunctions and appositives. The English teachers began this focus last year and this year it has been a whole-school focus. Consequentially, we were extremely happy to see an improvement in our Year 9 writing results this year, with a big increase in the proportion of students in the Exceeding proficiency band as this is both an indicator of the strength of our student’s writing and an early indicator that the school improvement actions are having an impact on the student’s learning.
Positive acknowledgement from parents and praise can play an important role in students recognising their achievements. Both the recent release of both NAPLAN results and Semester 1 reports present great opportunities for the learning achievements of our students to be recognised as many of our students should be very proud of their results.
Our Year 7 to 11 students are beginning their course selection process for next year this term. Detailed information has been posted on Compass News Feed, including handbooks and information about information sessions.
In Weeks 3 and 4 of this term, Year 9 to 11 students will be having individual course advising sessions. Parents and carers should ensure that they discuss their students’ subject selections and support students with their decision making.
A sincere thank-you to our school learning area leaders and VCE teachers who stayed back to 7:00 pm on Wednesday 24th July to provide support and guidance to our Year 9-11 students and parents regarding VCE pathways. This event was well attended and we appreciate your support of our students’ senior learning programs.