News from School Council

The Council meeting held on 26th June 2024 included the following:

  • discussion of Child Safe Standards - the history, what's new, and an overview of current policies and procedures
  • discussion around a branding "refresh" for the school to be rolled out over the next several months (more on that in upcoming issues of the newsletter)
  • discussion of the School's upcoming 95th anniversary in 2025 and 100th in 2030
  • endorsement of the School's Statement of Values and School Philosophy
  • review of the Dogs at School Policy & Risk Register
  • endorsement of amendments to the Camps & Excursions Policy
  • endorsement of the Curriculum Framework Policy.

For the latest BHHS policies, please refer to the school website, or to the "School Documentation" section on Compass.


2024 School Council:


Executive Officer

Kellie Ind - Principal


Parent Members:

Kaajal Fox - President / Chair

Muhammad Ali - Vice President

Tony Bui - Finance Rep

Ashley Schwarz

Rodney Mudford

Pooja Kumar


Community Members:

Shweta Pradhan

Elizabeth Tischler    


DE Members:

Shareen Bottrell (Assistant Principal)

Nathaniel Smith (Learning Leader - Data & Digital)

Nathalie Brewer (BHHS Teacher)

Thomas Williams (BHHS Teacher)

 Mel Nicholson (Business Manager - Ex Officio)


Student Members:  

Taj O'Donnell

Lihan Guo