Maths Games Day
by the Library Team
Maths Games Day
by the Library Team
In the final three days of Term 2, the library was transformed from a literary oasis to a mathematical arena when, in collaboration with the Maths Association of Victoria (MAV) and Andrew Lorimer-Durham from Thinksquare, we hosted three full Maths Games Days.
Each of the three full day workshops was run by passionate mathematician Andrew Lorimer-Durham and focused on providing opportunities for high ability student mathematicians to connect with like-minded individuals.
Funded by the state government, each Maths Games Day was targeted at different year levels. Wednesday saw over 130 primary school students from all over Melbourne and as far as Bundoora attend; Thursday saw over 130 students from Year 7 and 8 from right across Melbourne and as far away as Portland, and on the last day of school we welcomed 120 Year 9 students from across Melbourne.
Students worked in teams of four and applied their maths skills to work on a series of problems, earning points throughout the day. Each team not only tackled a whole range of fun and engaging mathematical challenges, but also developed their concentration, collaboration and communication skills.
This is the third year that Box Hill High School has hosted the Maths Games Days with MAV and Thinksquare. Andrew Lorimer-Durham also provides maths challenges for our Middle Years High Ability Maths program that runs every Wednesday lunchtime in the library.