Science and STEM

Spotlight on Science

This term,our Year 1/2 students are exploring light. As part of their investigation, they created their own Newton's colour wheels. This activity helped them discover that white light is actually made up of the colours of the spectrum. Watching the wheel spin and seeing the colours blend into white (or light grey) brought their learning to life.


Year 3/4 students are investigating heat in Science this term. This week they conducted an experiment that involved placing dye into a small beaker of hot water and another of cold water. By observing how the dye dispersed in each beaker, students discovered the differences in how heat affects the movement of particles. 

STEM Resources Needed!


Many thanks to the families who have collected resources and sent them in to school.


Just a reminder that the resources that we are looking for are:


- Thin cardboard from cereal boxes etc.

- Plastic bottles caps – small (e.g. water bottle caps) and large (e.g. milk bottle caps) 


Reusing these everyday materials not only supports our projects but also reminds children the importance of recycling and sustainability. 


Please send any items you collect with your child to school.


Thank you for your support - any contributions will be greatly appreciated!


Stephanie Axon

Science and STEM teacher