Library News
Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams
Library News
Messages from our Librarian - Mrs Adams
What another fantastic Book Week we had! It was amazing to see how many parents, grandparents, friends and carers visited our school for the morning. We loved seeing everyone dressed as their favourite Book Character. Our little Joey's joined in the parade and walked the stage like professionals. I'm always amazed by the creativity of the costumes. Thank you everyone for making an effort and supporting our Parade. Thank you also to our wonderful staff who always support the day and make it so much fun.
We also had lots of visitors to our Book Fair. This has now finished. We will receive a commission for the books purchased. Thank you also to those who donated books to our library. Library books are expensive and we appreciate this generous gift. There will be lots more new books to borrow in the coming weeks.
The Children's Book Council of Australia announced the winning books at the beginning of Book Week. Below are the winners.
Cath Adams