Committed, Engaged, Passionate

Year 10 starts transition process for 2025
The post-Year 10 process has started for the class that will be Year 11 2025!
Students have been busy completing a survey that will assist staff in supporting them as they make important decisions about their post-Year 10 pathway. In Terms 2 and 3 this process will involve students and their parents attending information sessions and interviews, as students prepare for senior study next year.
The journey to Year 7 2025 begins
While Year 6 students are busy completing their final year of primary school, the Year 7 2025 Year Advisers, Ms Fisher and Ms Hyde, are also busy. They have enjoyed visiting our four main partner primary schools in Term 1 and meeting students who will be starting Year 7 next year.
New build update
Behind the hoarding on Spencer Road, building work continues on increasing the size of the existing gym and canteen, and on Frederick Road the new footprint of the 4-storey building is evident. In the last few weeks, the concrete pour for the addition to the Gym was completed and the steel structure will begin shortly. When completed, these new facilities will provide amazing new learning spaces.
Julia Cremin
Deputy Principal, Year 10 and Support Unit