Young Minds, Bright Futures

What a great first term. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Cecil Hills High School community this term and spending time getting to know our students, staff and community. I have had the pleasure of meeting a large number of our parents and carers and I look forward to continuing to strengthen our connection with families throughout the year. We have some exciting initiatives planned for Terms 2 - 4 and I encourage you to look out for these opportunities as they arise and join us in support of your child/s learning at Cecil Hills High School.
I am extremely proud of how well our students wear their uniform and I'd like to thank you for your ongoing support. As colder weather approaches I'd like to remind students and their families that hoodies are not permitted to be worn under school shirts or as jumpers. Additionally, school trackpants can only be worn on sport days as part of our school sport uniform. Beanies and tights are also not considered part of our school uniform.
If you require further information I have included links below to our School Information Handbook which outlines our uniform options and a link to our online uniform portal.
Our attendance rate is continuing to improve after our return to school from COVID. Throughout Term 1 we have seen significant upward trends across year groups. I have previously communicated to you the impact attendance at school has on learning and I thank you for your ongoing support in working with us to improve and promote high levels of attendance. As part of our ongoing commitment to improving attendance we will begin sending parents and carers an attendance snapshot next term. These snapshots will provide attendance data across a 5 week period and is designed to assist families in having conversations about attendance.
Business Directory
Are you aware that we have a Cecil Hill High School business directory? If not, I have included a link below to access the directory. Throughout 2024 we would like to expand upon this initiative and will be working closely with our local business community. If you would like to be included in our directory or have your information updated please contact the school.
Happy Holidays
I would like to wish all of families all the best for a safe and relaxing holiday period and we can't wait to see you again in Term 2!
Andrew King