Primary News

Grades 3/4 News

Grades 3/4 have been spending time this term building classroom relationships, school routines and developing new skills in maths, literacy and working on research skills by finding out about Australia’s Neighbours. A new and interesting experience for Grade 3 has been completing NAPLAN assessments over the last week.  The Grade 4s were amazing by giving the Grade 3s space to complete the assessments, and worked together in different areas of the school.

BELOW: Working with Our Place to make a Harmony Day Banner 

BELOW: Creating 3D models


Grade 6 students were elated to spend a session with their foundation buddies. They reintroduced each other and together worked through an origami Easter Bunny craft. The students were so happy to be in each others company; the smiles speak for themselves!

Book Fair Wrap Up

Last week, we were fortunate enough to run the Book Fair once again.  This created a buzz amongst the students. For the week that it ran, sales amounted to approximately $2900! I would like to thank our school community for all their support.  It created excitement, which also promotes our love and interest in reading.

Our school benefits from the sales by taking 30% of the sales in books.  This year we ran a competition leading up to the week, where one student from each class was awarded a free book for having read the most home reading nights.

Congratulations to all students who won, and look out for some new books in your classroom library.

Happy Reading!

Katherine Cook - Book Fair Co-ordinator