Concession Card Holders

If you hold a valid Centrelink card you may collect an application form for CSEF at the office, details of eligibility is below.
Camps, Sports and Excursions fund eligibility
Below are the criteria used to determine a student’s eligibility for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF).
Criteria 1 – Eligibility
To be eligible* for the fund, a mature minor of sixteen years of age or over, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a registered Government or non-government Victorian primary or secondary school must:
• on the first day of Term one, or;
• on the first day of Term two.
a) Be an eligible beneficiary within the meaning of the State Concessions Act 2004, that is, be a holder of Veterans Affairs Gold Card or be an eligible Centrelink Health Care Card (HCC) or Pensioner Concession Card (PCC) holder, OR
b) Be a temporary foster parent, and;
c) Submit an application to the school by the due date.
* A special consideration eligibility category also exists. For more information, see: Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Eligibility |
Mature minors or parents who receive a Carer Allowance on behalf of a child, or any other benefit or allowance not income tested by Centrelink, are not eligible for the CSEF unless they also comply with one of (a) or (b) above.
Criteria 2 - Be of school age and attend school in Victoria
School is compulsory for all Victorian children aged between six and seventeen years of age inclusive.
For the purposes of CSEF, students may be eligible for assistance if they attend a Victorian registered primary or secondary school. Typically, these students are aged between five and eighteen years inclusive.
CSEF is not payable to students attending pre-school, kindergarten, home schooling, or TAFE.
Eligibility Date
For concession card holders, CSEF eligibility will be subject to the parent/legal guardian’s concession card being successfully validated with Centrelink on 29 January 2024 and/or 15 April 2024.
Payment amounts
CSEF payment amount
The CSEF is an annual payment to the school to be used towards camps, sports and/or excursion expenses for the benefit of the eligible student.
• Primary school student rate: $150.00 per year.
• Secondary school student rate: $250.00 per year.
The CSEF is paid directly the school and will be allocated by the school towards camps, sports and/or excursion costs for your child.
For ungraded students, the rate payable is determined by the student’s date of birth. For more information, see: Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF): Payment amounts |
Foundation and Year 7 government school students who are CSEF recipients are also eligible for a uniform voucher. Schools are required to make applications on behalf of parents, so please register your interest at the school.
How to complete the application form
1. Complete the PARENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN DETAILS section.
Make sure that the Surname, First Name, and Customer Reference Number (CRN) details match those on your concession card. You will also need to provide your concession card to the school.
If you are claiming as a Foster Parent or a Veteran Affairs Pensioner, you will need to provide a copy of documentation confirming your status as a temporary Foster Parent or provide your Veterans Affairs Pensioner Gold card to the school.
2. Complete the STUDENT/S DETAILS section for students at this school.
3. Sign and date the form and return it to the school office as soon as possible. The CSEF program for 2024 closes at the end of term two 2024.
CSEF payments cannot be claimed retrospectively for prior years.
Kind Regards
Marianne Moore
Finance Officer
St Bede's Primary School
2 Marwal Avenue
Ph;03-8851 4651
Fax: 03-9859 7202