From the Principal
Week 9 Term 1 2024
From the Principal
Week 9 Term 1 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
I would like to take this opportunity to wish our community a wonderful and safe holiday. I thank you for your support throughout this term. There was a lot achieved in just 9 weeks.
The Yr 5/6 children are still talking about their camp.
By working together we can achieve enormous things for the children in our care.
Its hard to believe that our Preps have completed a full term!!! Hasn't that gone quickly! They all have settled so well into "full" days at school and are thriving in the environment that the Prep teachers have created for them. At our last Education Board meeting it was proposed that we survey our Prep parents to obtain some feedback. This will be circulated to parents early next term. I do ask that you please complete it once you have received it.
This weekend we celebrate Easter. As we know as Catholics it is more than just Easter eggs. It is God's greatest act of love to redeem mankind. Take the time to reflect on this and thank our God for what he has done for us.
Easter Raffle
The Easter raffle winners are.
1st Vicky Marshall
2nd Vivianna Rossios
3rd Voula Yannaris
4th Cheryl Lim
5th Christian Beltrame
6th Danielle McEwin
Congratulations to everyone who supported this fundraiser. $2300 was raised.
Colouring competition
Some of our students took the opportunity to compete in a local colouring competition. There were two winners from our school. They were Sarah and Evie. Congratulations to both these students.
Last Friday 18 of our Yr 6 students were fortunate enough to attend the Grand Prix as part of STEM. During the excursion they had the opportunity to visit the Innovation Hub along with students from other schools. I know the children had an amazing time. Thank you to Adriana Scardilli for organising this excursion.
Term 2
Term 2 will commence on Monday 15th April
Have an amazing Easter