Montessori Cycle 3

Mitcham Montessori
Overview of Term 1, 2024
by Grace Gee and Grace Chau.
Wow, this long term has ended, can you believe it?
Let’s give you a recap on what has happened so far.
By Grace Gee
On Wednesday of week 7, the grade three and five students have been working hard on an online test called NAPLAN.
It will finish on the 20th of March. On Wednesday 13, they did writing, on Thursday 14, they did reading, on Monday 18th, they did Spelling and Grammar. On the 19th, they finished it off with numeracy. The 21st March is for a catch up session.
by Grace Chau
This term we had athletics. In athletics the grade 3-6s competed in discus, shot-put, long jump , triple jump, hurdles, 100 metres 200 metres & 800 metres and relay for the kids who tried out and got in.
We also had prep 1-2 athletics on the following day. The prep 1 -2s competed in events such as hurdles, spear throwing (with pool noodles) and races.
District Swimming
by Grace Chau
On the 21st of February, 4 students, 2 of them were Montessori cycle 3s, went to Croydon Memorial Pool, to compete in District Swimming. District swimming is for grades 3-6. In district swimming you can compete in 1 or 2 events such as backstroke, butterfly, freestyle, backstroke.
Also, both of the Montessori students were placed in their races!
Harmony Day
By Grace Gee
On Wednesday, 20th of March, students will be allowed to wear cultural dress or orange clothing. After school we will have a Harmony Day celebration, where students can do Cultural Performances and Class performances. There will also be Food trucks and stalls where students can give away stuff like stickers and badges. There will be face painting and more!
Cyber Safety
By Grace Gee
On Tuesday 12th of March, everybody went to the PAC for Cyber Safety. It is
teaching students how to be safe online. Like not sharing private information. Cyber safety is for all grades from prep to grade six.
Cross Country
by Grace Gee
On Thursday the 26th March, students, teachers and guardians are going to go down to the sportsfield and start Cross Country. In Cross Country, Students race against each other to see who is the winning house. Competitors will have numbers on their hands and whoever is in the top 8 will go to the district competition.
Smoking Ceremony
By Grace Chau
The Smoking Ceremony or Welcome to Country was held at Mullana High School on the 2nd of February which was the first Friday of the year.. The Smoking Ceremony was held by aboriginal elder, Dean.
Oh, wow that's a lot of stuff that's happened over the term. We can't wait for term 2!
Thankyou for reading!