Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month, with World Autism Understanding Day 2024 taking place on April 2nd. Aspect (Autism Spectrum Australia) defines autism as "a condition that affects how a person thinks, feels, interacts with others, and experiences their environment. It is estimated that one in 70 people are on the autism spectrum.... every Autistic person is different to every other. This is why autism is described as a ‘spectrum’. Aspect describes autism as a different brilliant®."


Tailya, one of our ENPS Year Six students has taken action to provide a piece on Autism, which we are proud to share with our community below.


Think Before you say Autistic


Have you used a Phone iPad or iPod recently or even used a Tesla or even worn prescription glasses? In a world where differences are often misunderstood, there are extraordinary individuals who have shattered stereotypes and made their mark on the world. Among them are autistic people, whose unique perspectives and abilities have sparked remarkable change and inspired us all.


Imagine a world where everyone thinks the same, where creativity is stifled, and innovation is limited. Now imagine a world where autistic individuals are celebrated for their diverse ways of thinking and contributing. This is the world we are striving to create, thanks to the incredible achievements of autistic people.


First of all, let's talk about Sir Isaac Newton. He was a genius scientist who discovered the laws of motion and gravity. Newton, who was believed to be on the autism spectrum, had an incredible ability to focus on his work, which allowed him to make ground-breaking discoveries. Imagine if people made fun of him for being different. We wouldn't understand how things move or why we don't float away! Thanks, Newton!


Now raise your hand if you have used an iPad or iPhone or iPod recently? Well this amazing mind behind the iPhone, iPad, and all the cool gadgets was – Steve Jobs. He was known for his attention to detail and his ability to think differently. Jobs, who was also believed to be on the autism spectrum, revolutionized the technology industry with his innovative ideas and sleek designs. Can you imagine a world without iPhones? I can't!


And how about the incredible inventor Nikola Tesla? He was a brilliant scientist and engineer who changed the world with his discoveries in electricity and power. Tesla's mind was full of ideas and inventions that seemed impossible at the time. But he didn't let anyone make fun of him or discourage him. His determination and unique way of thinking led to the development of alternating current (AC), which powers our homes and cities today. Thanks to Tesla, we can enjoy the comforts of electricity!


So, you see, autistic people are superheroes in their own right. They have incredible talents, unique perspectives, and the ability to change the world. Instead of ridiculing them, we should celebrate their awesomeness and embrace their differences. So next time double think before saying are you autistic? Because who knows what amazing things they'll invent or discover next?


By Tailya, 6CP


We thank you Tailya for sharing your piece with us and taking action to develop awareness and understanding. For more information on Autism and a range of resources, head to Aspect's website.


Ali (4SG) and Tailya (6CP) with their gold medals at the recent Sydney International Judo Open
Ali (4SG) and Tailya (6CP) with their gold medals at the recent Sydney International Judo Open