Independence Centre
Selamat sore 3/4 families!
There was so much excitement Last Friday for our first week of ICE. From pancake art to creative story writing, we had fun meeting and collaborating with different people and learning new skills. We are already looking forward to the Showcase!
This week was a short but busy week! The Grade 3s had their first two NAPLAN tests which were Writing and Reading. We all tried really hard and we can’t wait to do the Language Conventions and Maths tests next week.
In Maths we practised our addition and subtraction strategies. We used MAB blocks to show the equations and model how to rename numbers to help us learn vertical addition and subtraction.
We hope you have a wonderful week!
Written by 3/4K
- Students are required to bring a fully charged iPad and headphones to school each day.
- 3/4K will be presenting at Assembly this Monday 18th March.
- Monday 18th March: NAPLAN Language Conventions
- Tuesday 19th March: NAPLAN Mathematics
- Friday 15/3: ICE session 2
- Week 8 is planning week. The 3/4 planning day is on Friday 22/3.
- Tuesday 26/3: 3/4 Gala Sports. Please check Sentral for further information and permissions.
- Family Breakfast and the Easter Hat Parade are on Thursday 28th March.
Pupil of the Week
3/4RM - Durga H
For demonstrating inclusion and creativity during our Buddy Bonding session. Well done!
3/4B - Malia K
For demonstrating creativity and perseverance in writing. It is fantastic to see your awareness of narrative structure and your confidence growing!
3/4W - Olivia C
For demonstrating inclusion and kindness when welcoming a new student. Well done Olivia!
3/4S - Anisha S
For demonstrating a love of learning and creativity when publishing her food narrative ‘Bananamelons’.
3/4K - Georgie I
For demonstrating leadership and kindness when making a Zones of Regulation Toolkit to help the class remain in the Green Zone.