Parents & Friends
Easter (and the end of Term1) are coming up quickly, are you as ready as we are?
Hot Cross Buns
Our annual Hot Cross Bun fundraiser closes this Monday 18 March at 8pm sharp. If you haven't put your order in yet, please get that in ASAP so you don't miss out! You can find out all the information and place your order here
Easter Raffle
We are still collecting donations of Easter chocolates (boxed or bags), empty baskets, and other Easter goodies such as books, crafts, toys and candles for our annual Easter Raffle. If you have anything taking up space from last Easter, or you see a good special at the supermarket, please consider putting some items aside to donate to the school. All contributions are much appreciated!
Also remember to return your raffle tickets and money to school anytime between now and Family Breakfast on March 28. Simply pop your raffle tickets (with a name and phone number written on the back) and your money in a sealed envelope, and have your child pass this to their teacher on arrival at school. If you need more raffle tickets, please see Jane at reception.
Family Breakfast
Family Breakfast is also coming up soon on Thursday March 28. Please remember to send back your RSVP slips from the bottom of the notice ASAP for us to be able to cater appropriately. We are also in need of a number of volunteers to help with set up and manning food stations on the day. If you can help, please sign up at
P&F Board
Have you checked out the P&F board at reception this week? Our long term fundraising tracker is now up to date (with a revamp of our oval the long term goal!) and loads of information on current and upcoming P&F events. Next week you should also start to see information on a range of community groups you can get involved with! Have an idea for a community group you want to talk through or get started? Let me know and we'll see what we can do!
Class Chats and Parent Reps
All class WhatsApp group chats have now been set up, and class reps found for all classes. Thanks to all who have volunteered for this role this year! If you haven't received the details on your class chat, please let me know at
P&F Meetings
Our next meeting is this Friday 22 March, 9am, in person and on Zoom. All are welcome to attend and find out what P&F is up to.
Event Coordinators
I'm still looking for event coordinators for Term 2 events:
- Mother's Day Stalls (10 May) - coordination includes filling the volunteer roster, helping me organise the stalls on the day, stock take and pack up with me after we're done
- Cookie Dough fundraiser (April and May) - coordination includes checking the delivery when it arrives and helping organise and hand out orders
Given the number of fundraising events coming up throughout the year, having event coordinators for each one helps make my job a lot less stressful. Event coordination differs depending on the event, but generally involves helping with the planning of the event, calling for volunteers or donations, and helping run the event (all with help of course). If you have capacity to help me out with any of the events coming up, please let me know.
Want to get in touch?
There are lots of ways to get in touch with me!
Facebook: join the MPRPS facebook group @mprpsparentsandfriends
WhatsApp: join the P&F WhatsApp group
Find me at pick up or drop off
You can also get in touch with our Community Support Representative Jess Walker at for a confidential chat if you need support for any reason.
P&F Coordinator