Pastoral Care 

  • Year 7 Camp
  • Harmony Week Basketball Match
  • Sentral Wellbeing program - Merit Awards
  • You Choose Driver Safety Presentation

Year 7 Camp

Congratulations to our Year 7 Pastoral Care Camp participants who took up the growth mindset challenges and teamwork as an inclusive cohort at Tea Gardens last week. Many students earnt the bravery award, soldiering on under adversity. Many students were able support one another through the challenges of the high ropes, archery, sea kayaking, raft building, rock climbing, mud pit and pioneering activities.

We are grateful to Year 7 Pastoral Leader Mr Ryan and the pastoral team including Ms van Riet, Ms Janes, Mr Reay, Mr Davies, Mr Bourke, Mr Chan, Mr Carroll, Mrs Walsh, Mr Chen and Mr Stearn who generously supported this important formative learning experience for the students. 

Harmony Week - House Basketball Match

Harmony Week culminated last Friday in the Year 12 House Basketball competition. With most of the school gathering around to get a glimpse of their favourite players, Year 12 students put on an exhibition of quality basketball skills and all games were played with high intensity with house points on the line. In the end Tracey House proved too good defeating Rice in the final, with Purton taking third place. Congratulations to all involved.

Sentral Student Wellbeing platform - Merit Awards

With the introduction of the Sentral Student Management System, we have introduced a new process for issuing ‘merit cards’.  As of Week 9 Term 1, all positive incidents (previously yellow merit cards) are now completed online in the Wellbeing platform. Any positive incident will be recorded, and each positive incident will accrue a house point. After 5 positive incidents a ‘Blue’ award will be presented by the relevant Pastoral Leader or Head of Junior School. When a student reaches 3 Blue awards, a Principal award is earnt. With the extra incentive of accruing house points for each positive incident, we hope that students are striving to make a positive difference at Pius for the betterment of their house and their own personal growth.

You Choose Driver Safety Presentation

On 22 March Year 12 attended the much-anticipated You Choose driving presentation. The presenter Melissa McGuiness is the founder and key note presenter of the organisation.  She provided important messages for our young men about making the right choices on our roads. Her presentation was emotive, informative and communicated in a sensitive tone. Year 12 were moved by the material presented and reflected about how choices and non-compliant conduct on our reads can directly impact those around us. This messaging was central to the motto of You Choose - Own the Choice, Own the Outcome.


Melissa challenged the students to consider how they will personally seek leadership in road safety, live life to its fullest, protect their loved ones; and be truly accountable in situations where they need to place their safety and wellbeing at the forefront of decision making. Furthermore, she explored the importance of exchanging expectations, commitments, and permissions to speak up and to act in moments-that-matter.   


We have asked students to share the You Choose mission with friends and family and to discuss what they have taken from the program. I encourage you to have broader conversations in the classroom context to continue building greater awareness of road safety.

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care