P&F News 

  • P&F Cocktail Party
  • Open Day
  • P&F staff thank you breakfast

P&F Cocktail Party

Over 300 parents, friends, staff and teachers from our wonderful community gathered for the 2024 P&F Cocktail Party - our largest P&F event since pre-COVID.  A thoroughly enjoyable evening, complemented by the warm weather and delicious food.  Thank you to the staff, teachers, parents and friends who volunteered and helped to make the evening a success.

Open Day 

Saturday 16 March   - BBQ Helpers needed.

Thank you to the parents and friends who have volunteered to help out at Open Day.  There are still a few spots available and we need your help.  It's a wonderful way to support the College and meet other parents.  Please click on the link below and volunteer an hour or two of your time on Saturday.


SPX 2024 Open Day Helpers.xlsx

P&F staff thank you breakfast 

Monday 18 March  - BBQ Helpers needed

Additional volunteers are needed to help cook breakfast for our wonderful teachers and staff.  Please click on the attached link to volunteer. 

Mr Eoin Geaney - P&F President
