Performing Arts

Music Matters

Open Day information:

Please note there have been some slight changes made to the Open Day Music Performance schedule which have been amended in Clipboard:

  • The College Orchestra will no longer be performing due to sporting commitment clashes by the majority
  • Senior Concert Band will now commence 10 minutes earlier at 11.45am
  • Intermediate Percussion Ensemble performance to extend by 10 minutes with Drumline incorporated. 
  • Same times for all other groups.
  • For any Year 7 students involved in Basketball, please note that your ensemble performance at Open Day takes priority. Please see Mrs Schuster for details. 
  • Students are to meet their Ensemble Director in Music Room 2 with their instrument no later than 10 minutes before they are due to perform.
  • Times for each ensemble performance have been added to Clipboard and are also attached below.
  • Please contact Ensemble Directors for any further questions. 

Rock Band Ensemble: a bass guitar player is required for this ensemble. Rehearsals take place on Thursday mornings in MR2. Please see Mr Jones for further information. You are welcome to come and try for a week. 


HSC Major Works Day: This Friday, 15 March sees our Music 1, Music 2 and Extension Music students participate in a major works preparation day, where they will engage in performance, composition and musicology tasks throughout the day. This special day presents an excellent opportunity for students to focus on their selected repertoire and collaborate with specialist music teachers.


Performing Arts fundraiser Comedy night: Saturday May 4th, College gym. Our enthusiastic and creative PAPA team are working hard to provide a fun night of comedic entertainment. Tickets are now on sale, including drinks and snacks packages. See below for more information including link to purchse tickets.


Upcoming Performing Arts events:

  • Open Day Saturday 16 March – most ensembles
  • Yr 5/6 Liturgy Tues 9 April, Week 11, Junior Chorale

Term 2: 

  • Anzac Day Service, Week 1, Wednesday 1 May 
  • Mother's Day Mass - Week 2, Wednesday 8 May – Chorales, other ensembles tbc
  • Founder's Day Mass, Week 2, Friday 10 May  (rehearsal Thursday 9 May)  - Senior Concert Band & Chorales, Oxford Falls

Mrs Annabel Westhoff - Leader of Learning, Performing Arts

PAPA Comedy Night

Tickets for our upcoming fundraiser “Stand Up Comedy Stars” on Saturday, May the 4th, are now available!

Please use the link or QR code below to get your tickets and join us for a night of laughter to raise funds that will support our boys in their performing arts endeavours.

Seat numbers are strictly limited, so get in quickly!!!

This event is open to all adult members of the SPX community (not just families of students in Performing Arts).

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Drama Matters

Intermediate Drama Ensemble

Due to the very hot weather today, (Thursday 14 March), our rehearsal has been moved to the top of A Wing.  Please meet there after school.

This ensemble is now closed to new members for the time being. We have a very healthy number of students involved. If your son is interested, please contact me directly later in the year. 


The Lehman Brothers at Theatre Royal 

The Lehman Brothers at Theatre Royal is a theatrical masterpiece. Under the brilliant direction of Sam Mendes, the play takes you on an extraordinary journey through history. With just three actors effortlessly transitioning between over 60 characters, the range and depth of their performances is simply breathtaking. As the narrative unfolds, spanning a remarkable 150-year timespan, the audience is transported through the rise and fall of the iconic Lehman Brothers. From their humble beginnings to their eventual collapse, every moment is meticulously crafted and expertly portrayed on stage. What truly sets this production apart is the sheer brilliance of the acting. Each actor seamlessly embodies a multitude of personalities, ages, and backgrounds, bringing to life characters that are as diverse as they are compelling. Their ability to effortlessly switch between roles is a testament to their incredible talent and dedication to their craft. I recommend you take your son and your family to see the show – it finishes on 24 March but there are still tickets available. Having wanted to see this show for many years it still exceeded all expectations. 

Here is a review. You can buy tickets from $69

Open Day

The Drama Department will be represented at Open Day. I will be there with students who will be working on their Major Works and playbuilding. Please come and say hello. 


Improvisation Workshops

Students in the Senior & Intermediate Ensembles continue their invaluable work with lead improviser Daniel Cordeaux. They have learnt that the five most important factors for successful improvisation is the following:

  1. Making offers – advancing and extending the scene
  2. Saying yes – accepting an offer
  3. Physicality – if in doubt do something physical (miming an action is better than not saying anything)
  4. Endowment – talk about the other person/character – give them power, status and a backstory
  5. Finding focus – where is the focus for you and the other actor/s

Ms Penny Lindley - Leader of Learning, Drama