Student Voice

  • International Women's Day
  • Sporting Success
  • Ancient History Excursion
  • Open Day

International Women’s Day

Last Friday, the College celebrated International Women’s Day. Under the leadership of the College Prefects and the Mercy College Prefects, students wrote notes of appreciation to the women in their lives and placed them on the noticeboard as they entered the College. Speakers at assembly acknowledged the achievements of women as well as urged the boys to speak up against injustice in all its forms and on any occasion, with the message ‘Go be the Change!’ It was a day of purple to celebrate women’s achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and commit to taking action to drive gender parity.

Sporting Success

Last Saturday marked the end of the Summer sports season with some great wins. Congratulations to the 13D, 14D and 17F basketball teams who were successful in becoming ISA Premiers. 

Special mention to the 2nd XI, led by Chris Mander, who were also successful in their final, beating Oakhill College. 

Well done to all those who have competed with such spirit in the 2023 – 2024 Summer season. 

Ancient History Excursion

Last Friday, our Year 12 Ancient History and Year 9 History Elective classes travelled to both the Chau Chak Wing Museum at Sydney University and the Ramses Exhibition at the Australian Museum. Extending f the Year 12 and Year 9s Ancient Egypt course, we were extremely fortunate to understand and witness the archaeological evidence that was around over 3,300 years ago. There was also a Lego model of Pompeii for our Year 12 Course Pompeii and Herculaneum. If this strikes an interest for you, then why not consider History elective for your Year 9/10 Electives and Ancient History for your Senior Studies!

Open Day

The College OPEN DAY is on this Saturday, 16 March. The Chatswood campus will be open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.  

We would love to see as many of you supporting either at the Chatswood campus or the Oxford Falls campus. 

2024 Student Leadership Team