Parent & Student Matters 

  • Year 12 Jerseys
  • Duke of Edinburgh Award
  • Diverse Learning

Year 12 Jerseys

Year 12 Jerseys are an important privilege for our young men in the final year of their secondary schooling. Designed by the students themselves, it is a College tradition that marks the transition into their final year of schooling, providing a personalised and visual point of difference in the College uniform. The jerseys were distributed to students on 7 March on Thursday before school and there was a strong sense of anticipation and excitement that lit up the corridors. The Year 12’s not only look fantastic in their jerseys, but it also emphasises the significance of their role as leaders within the school. I wish to thank the Student Leadership Team, Mr Ronchetti, Ms Dempsey and the Year 12 homeroom teachers for their assistance with the distribution of jerseys on the day. 

Mr Anthony Tassone - Year 12 Pastoral Leader

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Outward Bound

Outward Bound Australia are excited to be running a Gold Peak Adventurous Journey for the Duke of Edinburgh's Award on the Kiandra to Kosciuszko Trail. Dates are Tuesday 16 - Wednesday 24 April 2024. Kiandra to Kosciuszko is a 9-day experience, utilising the Award Handbook allowance for Practice and Qualifying Journeys to be conducted on the same Journey. The structure is as follows:

  • Group Forming and Preparations 
    • Pre-journey video meeting and Day 1/ Night 1 in person
  • Practice Journey: 
    • Days 2 - 5
  • Qualifying Journey 
    • Days 6 - 9

Onboarding has begun for those already registered. There are limited places still available. This is an advanced expedition style of Adventurous Journey. Participants must have some experience in multi-night hiking expeditions, lightweight camping, and navigation skills using a compass and topographic map. Suitable experience may include having completed the Silver Practice & Qualifying AJs, a recent background in Scouts/Cadets (or similar) programs, a multi-day expedition and camping-based outdoor education program or similar family adventures. If you or your students have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out by contacting Caroline Bowman on  or 0448 238 930.

Mrs Annabel Gunns -  Duke of Edinburgh Award Convenor

Diverse Learning

Year 7-12 Assessments

We have many assessment tasks across the College commencing this week and scheduled to the end of Term 1. Over the coming ten days, Year 7 and 9 students also have NAPLAN testing.

Please remind your sons to read their emails carefully for rooming of exam provisions for assessment tasks. Planning in advance will help to minimise stress on the day of the task. Exam provisions form part of an Individual Learning Plan. Should you have any queries please contact

Exam provisions can include small group supervision, rest breaks and extra time to write. These are offered as practical supports to minimise the impact of a disability on a student's ability to access and respond to a task under timed conditions. The examination protocol is the same as for any other student. Students must bring their own equipment for exams and ensure that all study material remains outside the exam room.

Should any injuries occur which affect the ability of a student to demonstrate their learning, please contact the Diverse Learning team.

Good Luck to all students for Term 1 Assessments.

Mrs Annabel Gunns - Leader of Learning, Diverse Learning