Pastoral Care 

  • Harmony Week
  • Peer Mentoring
  • Year 7 camp
  • SRC representatives process commencing soon
  • International Women's Day

Harmony Week

We come together to celebrate Harmony week from 18 - 24 March. Created in 1999 to celebrate unity and diversity, Harmony Day was originally an Australian celebration but is now marked worldwide by conscientious citizens. Whether you want to be better friends with your neighbours or stand in the shoes of another, we at St Pius X College recognise that everyone belongs and bring inclusivity to all areas of the College.

Next week to celebrate, the following will occur, and the students and staff are encouraged to show their colours and to wear a different colour each day to be a part of the celebration.

Please bring the item of clothing in your bag (according to the daily list below) and once you arrive at school you are more than welcome to wear it.


Tuesday 19 March - Green - in light of St Patrick’s Day.

Wednesday 20 March - Orange - as this is the colour of inclusion and we will have our Harmony Day assembly. 

Thursday 21 March - Anything that represents your country of origin or family history.

Friday 22 March - Your favourite sporting team's jersey.  There will be an exhibition basketball game at lunch and everyone is welcome to attend.

Peer Mentoring

Mentoring is an important program which the college greatly values, whereby senior students provide emotional support and friendship towards our younger students. It also gives our senior students the opportunity to provide leadership and guidance to our younger students.

Part of this program involves senior mentors meeting with their mentee once a week during lunch, and also meeting together for group gatherings one Sunday per term for events such as a beach walk at Narrabeen, bush walk around Narrabeen Lake, rock climbing at St Leonards and a beach breakfast at Narrabeen.

This program starts this week at the College in a hope to create an inclusive community within the College.

Year 7 Camp

Mr Ryan and our Year 7 Pastoral Care team are completing preparations for the Year 7 Camp at Tea Gardens departing on Wednesday 20 March at normal school time. 

Parents are asked to monitor communications for a consent, dietary and medical form this week. Students need also to communicate to Mr Ryan their preferred tent buddies. (Maximum of 6).

The camp aims to instil a sense of journey, inclusion and community within the year and students will engage in growth mindset activities such as Kayaking, Raft Building, Ropes Courses and Flying Fox and Rock & Water Resilience Training. We look forward to the teachers vs students commando spotlight challenge.

Please communicate any questions or concerns to Mr Ryan as we prepare final details and arrangements. Boys will assemble at school from 8:30 am on the 20th and return at approximately 3:00 pm on the 22nd with final ETA communicated enroute after 1:00 pm via the College App.

SRC Representatives process will start soon

A Student Representative Council (SRC) consists of a group of students who represent and advocate for their peers.  

Student Representative Councils look to foster a sense of community and improve the schooling experience of the entire student body.

At St Pius X College the Student Representative Council aims to provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills and addess the interests and concerns of the St Pius X student body.



The objectives of the St Pius X College Student Representative Council are to:

  1. Promote the EREA Touchstones
  2. Provide a sense of belonging, connection and voice for students
  3. Promote and facilitate student responsibility and leadership
  4. Provide an unbiased platform for students to advocate the views and needs of the college community
  5. Foster a culture that promotes cross-cohort relationships where students communicate openly and work together to set and achieve common goals
  6. Be a conduit for school policy improvement and change
  7. Create a line of communication both upwards and downwards betwen the student body and the college
  8. Promote active citizenship through action and deeds such as actively reporting relevant issues in the yards and on public transport

SRC Roles

Types of roles which SRC representatives might undertake are:

  • Help to promote social justice issues such as Project Compassion, Winter Appeal etc
  • Assist with lunchtime house competitions such as basketball, handball or volleyball competitions
  • Saying prayers at Waterford Assemblies or during homeroom 
  • Assist in helping with events like Mother's Day, RUOK? Day etc
  • Help to convey announcements to the year cohort
  • Attend planning meetings with House Patrons prior to an event

Nomination Process

Students will self-nominate via an online application which will be provided to students during homeroom.  Students will be given opportunity to complete this application during their homeroom time.  

After the collation and confirmation of nominees by each Pastoral Leader, students who have applied will give a short speech to their homeroom.  Voting will then take place by students' homeroom peers and pastoral leader to determine their homeroom representative.

Successful candidates will be on the SRC for one semester.

International Women's Day

I would like to thank Ms Brenda Timp, Principal of Mercy College, who joined us, along with Year 7 and 12 Mercy students to celebrate International Women's Day last Friday.

Mr Martin Gillogly - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care