From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Charter Renewal Mission Strategy
  • NAPLAN testing for Year 5, 7 and 9
  • 2024 Scholarship Award Recipients
  • Project Compassion - supporting the theme for 2024
  • Open Day - this Saturday
  • P&F Association Cocktail Evening
  • Key Dates
  • Cocurricular Program


Fourth Sunday of Lent (Year B)


Loving and merciful God, 

As we gather in prayer, we are 

reminded of the immense love you 

have for each one of us. 

Your love is so great that you willingly 

sacrificed your Son, Jesus, to 

save us from our sins.


Help us to grasp the depth of your love 

and to trust in your infinite mercy. 

In moments of doubt and fear, 

when we are tempted to believe that 

you condemn us, 

grant us the grace to remember the 

words of today's Gospel:

'You sent your Son not to condemn 

the world, but to save it.' 


Strengthen our faith and help us 

to surrender our doubts and 

insecurities to you. 

May we be filled 

with gratitude for the gift of salvation 

through your Son, Jesus Christ. 


As we journey through this week, 

may our faith be deepened, and 

may we radiate your love and 

mercy to all those we encounter.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Pieta’ Lenten Program 2024 published by the Catholic Diocese of Wollongong


As we ponder the prayer above, our focus during Lent naturally shifts towards acknowledging our shortcomings or failings. In this context, it is easy to unconsciously perceive God as someone who meticulously tallies our faults or transgressions to pass judgment upon us. However, Sunday’s Gospel and the prayer above serve as touching reminders that the opposite holds true. Instead of condemning us, God's boundless love for us is so profound that He willingly sacrificed Himself to redeem us. All that is requested in return is that we demonstrate our faith—by believing in the Good News.

We have reached the halfway mark of Lent – 'Laetare' (Rejoice) Sunday where the Church sheds her purple and robes herself in rose.

At this point of Lent, we reflect on how we are constantly swamped by voices coming from all sides, thus becoming confused about what we should believe and how we should respond.

The season of Lent is a good time to slow down and take stock of all these voices …

Which ones are true?

Who or what do we believe?

Who is this God I believe in?


As you reflect on these questions, do you have the answers if asked by others?


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

The Charter Renewal Mission Strategy

Over the past two days, I, along with all EREA Principals across the nation, convened to review the EREA Charter. Introduced in 2007 alongside the launch of EREA, the Charter has been instrumental in defining what it means to be a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice Tradition. The incorporation of the EREA Touchstones into all EREA schools in 2011 further solidified the ethos of our educational institutions. In 2016, the Charter underwent a comprehensive review, with the current structure serving as the cornerstone of our collective identity.


The Charter Renewal process commenced in January 2024 at the National School Leaders Conference in Ballarat, with a particular focus on student voice. Our College Captain, Quinton Crispe, actively participated in discussions and provided invaluable feedback to the organising committee. 


On the first day of our Conference, student representatives from South Australian schools conveyed key insights to all Principals based on the discussions at the Conference. Their feedback shed light on the perspectives of young people in our schools, especially concerning the four Touchstones and potential revisions to the Charter. The key messages emphasized the importance of authenticity over tokenism, fostering connections across all schools, expanding leadership opportunities for student leaders, and the necessity of genuine welcome.


Emerging wisdom from the discussions included words such as acceptance, understanding, accessibility, belief, empathy, and connection. It was truly uplifting to hear the voices of our young people and their perspectives on what is essential as we revise the EREA Charter.


During the Principals' deliberations, each Touchstone was revisited with three underlying questions:

a. One aspect to uphold as an EREA community.

b. One area for deeper exploration or improvement.

c. One new opportunity to pursue.


The responses from participants were inspiring and instilled a sense of hope in me that the Touchstones, which have become ingrained in the narrative of St Pius X, will continue to evolve with a contemporary feel that addresses the thoughts and concerns of our young people.


The next phase of the process involves key members of the EREA community compiling the extensive feedback from all 70-plus participants to craft the next draft of the revised EREA Charter.


In future editions of Woodchatta, I will provide some reflections on the Four Touchstones and some reflective questions for you to consider.

NAPLAN testing for Year 5, 7 and 9 

Students in Years 5, 7, and 9 have commenced their participation in the National Assessment Program of Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). The students will complete all four tests over Weeks 7 and 8.

2024 Scholarship Award Recipients 

The college was pleased to announce and award our 2024 Scholarship Award recipients at our Assembly on Wednesday.  We were also very pleased to have Mr Brad Van Dijk present to award the Thomas Van Dijk Scholarship. 

Our Assistant Principal, Teaching and Learning, Mr Stephen Davidson, and Deputy Principal, Ms Elizabeth Watson presented the following students to the college:

Bergelin Trade Scholarship:  William Lyall, Year 12

Thomas Van Dijk Scholarship:  Spencer Anderson, Year 12

Christian Brothers Academic Scholarship for Year 11 & 12:  Anthony Parissis, Year 11

Old Boys Scholarship for Year 11 & 12: Nicholas Anderson, Year 11

Br M M O'Connor Academic Scholarship: Michael Cheah, Year 10

Br B J Carter Academic Scholarship: Myles Jory, Year 9

Br V A Howard Academic Scholarship: Jackson Byak, Year 8


We congratulate these students for their continued efforts.

Project Compassion – Supporting the theme for 2024

The theme of Project Compassion this year is For All Future Generations, with Caritas Australia highlighting the inspiring journeys of three resilient women from the Philippines, Malawi, and Samoa.

I encourage all families to go to the Cartias Australia website to view the video on these resilient women and about the great work that Cartias Australia does for those communities in need.

OPEN DAY - Saturday 16 March

The College OPEN DAY is upon us.  

A reminder the Chatswood campus will be open from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm.  

The Treacy Centre at Oxford Falls will be open from 8:00 am to 12:00 noon.  

Tour bookings are essential. 

Session times at Chatswood will be 9:00am, 10:00am, 11:30am and 1:00pm. 

Though registrations for tour guides ended on Friday 8 March, if your son is now available, he is most welcome to attend and support us on the day.

I would like to thank all our staff, students and parents who will be showcasing St Pius X College at Open Day.

Applications for enrolment - Year 5 and 7 2026

Applications for enrolment for Year 5 and 7 2026  are open and can be found on the college website. Applications close on Friday 3 May 2024.

P&F Cocktail Evening

On Friday 8 March, the P&F Association hosted the annual cocktail function in the Junior School playground.  This was a wonderful evening celebrating the fantastic community we belong to.  The food was amazing and catered for all appetites, especially those fasting during Lent.  Special thanks to Mr Eoin Geaney and the P&F Committee for bringing all families together, especially those new to the College.

Staff Development Day - Monday 18 March

The college will be holding a staff development day on Monday 18 March - next Monday. This day will be a pupil-free day.  Students will return for normal classes on Tuesday 19 March.

Key Dates

Cocurricular Program

What defines success? 

This is a question that we encounter frequently. For me, on Saturday, success was evident in witnessing all our students engage wholeheartedly, displaying exemplary competitive values, remarkable sportsmanship, and a genuine sense of College spirit. Regardless of the outcome, whether victory or defeat, it was the lessons learnt from each game or match that truly exemplified success.

Special congratulations are in order for the U13Ds (Jordie Coulits - coach), U14Ds (Anthony Shahinian - coach) and U17Fs (Alex Young - coach) basketball teams, as well as the 2nd XI cricket team, coached by Mr Stearn, Mr Gillogly and Mr Maloney for their triumphant performances.

Our CSDA Public Speaking team continued on their competition journey with a stellar event last Friday. I extend my congratulations to Marcus Ng in Year 9 for emerging victorious in the zone final for his age group. Marcus will now progress to the final this week. Although Samuel Xegas in Year 8 did not advance to the final, his participation is highly commendable.

The St Pius X swimming team showcased their talents at the annual ISA Swimming Championship yesterday. Numerous personal bests were achieved, and all swimmers should take pride in their accomplishments. A special thank you goes to Mr Wheatley for his dedicated coaching and management of the team.

Further congratulations are in order for the 1st Football team, who secured an impressive 8-nil victory against Illawarra Grammar in the second round of the CIS Cup.

As our NSTA (Tennis), squash, district cricketers, and Junior School sports teams continue their competitions this weekend and I am pleased to report exceptionally positive feedback from our staff. It is evident that all our teams are approaching their matches with enthusiasm, determination, and commendable sportsmanship. Go the Blue and Gold this week.


Fide et Labore

By Faith and hard work

Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal