Junior School News 

  • From the Head of the Junior School
  • Junior School Sport
  • From the Junior Resource Centre
  • Junior School Chess

From the Head of the Junior School


Last week's Canberra tour was a resounding success that was met with overwhelming enthusiasm from the students. From chatting with the Prime Ministers of Australia and Vietnam in Parliament House to the moving program at the Australian War Memorial and the interactive activities at Questacon and the Australian Institute of Sport, the trip was packed with unforgettable experiences. The students relished the opportunity to delve into Australian history and politics firsthand, with many expressing their excitement at witnessing democracy in action during a simulated parliamentary debate.  Just as importantly, three days away from both home and the College have helped the students create long-lasting bonds with each other.


I was thrilled to receive the following email from the manager of the Golden Age Motor Inn:


Hi Jill,

I just wanted to reach out to you to let you know that it was a pleasure hosting your school group this year.  The students were a delight.  They were so well behaved, and their manners were impeccable.

I look forward to welcoming your students next year.

Kind Regards,


Manager, Golden Age Motor Inn


Thank you to Mr Morris, Ms Shaba, Mr Buda, Mrs Doheny, Mrs Barrett, and Mrs Williams who spent three days away from their own families so that the students could enjoy this incredible experience. 


Please see photos from the trip here  Year 6 Camp Canberra March 2024



Thank you for your continuing patience as we continue to roll out new programs and procedures in 2024. 


When you are advising a student absence, please note:

  • If the student is missing school – this email should be sent to studentmanagement@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au and should include your son’s full name and class (eg John Smith 5 Blue).
  • If your son is missing a co-curricular event (eg Saturday sport, Band, Choir, Robotics) – then you need to notify through Clipboard.


Yesterday, Year 5 students sat the NAPLAN Writing assessment and testing continues this week and next. 


If your son is in Year 5, please remember to send in a pair of headphones on the testing days.


For more information on NAPLAN 2024, click here https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/for-parents-carers


In preparation for the Year 5 Camp to Broken Bay, please check your emails and:

  • Complete the medical form (by tomorrow, Friday 15 March) 
  • Send any medication required on Camp to the front office in a Ziplock bag, clearly labelled with your son’s name and medication frequency and dosage (by Monday 18 March)

If you think it would help to alleviate some nerves, you might like to have a look at the Broken Bay Camp website with your son: https://www.think-outside.com.au/broken-bay


Thank you to those families who are contributing to the success of Saturday’s Open Day by sending in cakes for the cake stall and/or by allowing your son to come along and act as a tour guide.  Our visiting families absolutely love meeting our Junior School students and hearing their insights about life at the College.



Please note that the Junior School Bible Liturgy has been moved to Tuesday 9 April (Week 11).



Year 6 students recently undertook an educational tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage, and democracy. 


The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $30.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion and has been factored into costs to parents.



Thank you for your ongoing support of the Junior School.

Mrs Jill Greenwood - Head of the Junior School

Junior School Sport

Fixtures 16 March


IPSHA Football

On Monday 11 March 5 students trialled for the IPSHA Football team. Whilst all boys gave a good account of themselves, there was strong competition from the over 120 nominated students who were contesting just 12 positions. I am pleased to announce that Ryan Volpato and Ethan Suleman were selected in the representative side to compete in the CIS championships. We wish Ryan and Ethan all the best as they compete in this next phase of competition.


Thursday Sport

A reminder to all families, we will switch our focus next week (Thursday 21 March) to Winter sports. Including Football, Rugby and AFL. 

Can I please ask that all families to finalise their Clipboard Registrations by Tuesday 19 March. Data will then be extrated for the trials occurring on Thursday. 

It would also be a good time to start arranging mouth guards, dust off the football boots, etc.



Around the grounds...



Touch Football


Mr James Bourke - Junior School Sports Coordinator


COERVER Football Camps

In preparation for the Football season, the College is offering St Pius X student only COERVER Camps.


Monday 15 - Thursday 18 April

9:00 am - 12:00 noon each day. 

Bus transport to and from is available, with details provided in link prior to registration.

Active Kids Vouchers accepted.

Age : 9 - 16

Coerver Coaching holiday camps offer a fun-filled soccer experience for children aged 9-16 years. Each day will include Coerver® SKILLS competitions and challenges, Ball Mastery, Coaching sessions focusing on developing effective use of skill, small sided Coerver® Games, and mini Coerver Cup Tournament to keep players active.



The cornerstone of our curriculum is technical development. We utilize the Coerver® Method of ball mastery and graduated pressure to build technical competence and play carefully selected games to build functional success.


We foster creativity by providing the players technical building blocks & encouraging creative actions in developmentally appropriate games. Our games are designed to be fun, challenging and to reward success and risk-taking.


Small group tactics and principles of play are taught in attack and defence by utilizing the structure of the many small sided games, which have made the Coerver® Curriculum so unique and recognised as the world’s leading technical football program.


We value winning but not more than character and effort. We encourage paying respect to players, parents, coaches and referees. Sportsmanship is emphasized to develop the whole person and not just the player.

With 2, 3 and 4 day options available, this is the perfect pre and early season preparation for St Pius X students looking towards a successful season. It is also a huge amount of footballing fun!

Bookings can be made using the following link: Coerver course | Coerver Coaching

Mr Simon Yue - Senior Football Convenor

NSTA Tennis

As always, the 8:00 am matches were full of excitement. The Junior boys who started playing this term have really shown great improvement and all of them are eagerly following the scoreboard. Connor Hunyh, Xavier Korkor and Nathan Hon (SPX 31) all played so well and blitzed their matches 18 games to 1. SPX 28 Hugo Hasanoglu, Ethan Heng and Jeremy Gu, all junior boys, played against some tough competition in Redlands 24, all senior school students, this didn’t stop them though as they won the day 2 sets to 1. Aidan Lum, Lachlan McGrath and Josh Lim (SPX 21) also showed great sportsmanship and skill winning their matches 18 games to 1. 

The 10:00 am matches started and the usual quiet and determination was in play. Lucas Youngman and Aidan Seifert (SPX 3) played some excellent tennis winning 2 sets to 1 against some strong competition in Redlands 1. James Stapleton and Lachlan Chan (SPX 9) both won their singles 6-1 and 6-2 respectively to win overall 2 sets to 1 against Reddam 1. 

Thank you to Daniel Harper, Robert Ponniah and Oscar Roberts who helped out with umpiring last week. Great job!

With only one more match before the finals and play offs on 23 March, in which all players are involved, a reminder to make sure that you check your scores have been put in correctly. https://www.xpointsports.com/region/325/currentEvents

Mrs Samantha Iwatani - NSTA Convenor

From the Junior Resource Centre

I have gathered up Green Books and placed them on display around the library with bookmarks ready for St Patricks Day. Pop into the JRC for ‘Á wee bit of Irish fun’

Reading in the JRC

My favourite part of library time is borrowing and reading. These images show the magic, wonder, creativity and imagination at work. Reading for pleasure with peers or independently builds connections, stamina and confidence in our students.


Mrs Martin’s Book Trail : Marvellous Maps – Simon Kuestenmacher, Margarida Esteves.

Prepare to explore our world as you’ve never seen it before! This collection of stunning, fun and beautiful maps explains about Planet Earth. Every page includes fascinating facts about our world in unique map form.

From nature to history, and from mythology to technology, these beautifully illustrated maps bring all kinds of information to life for young and older readers. This stunningly presented book is a must see and read for all students.

#Mrs Martinsbooktrail2024

Mrs Elena Martin - Teacher Librarian

Junior School Chess Club

Chess trials began this week. Trials will continue into week 8. Held at lunch time in the JRC. Here students will be chosen to represent the school in the NSW Junior Chess league. When the Chess season begins, Mrs Martin will oversee the Chess training on a Tuesday morning at 7:30 am in the JRC, emartin@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au. Ms Boyle will oversee the chess competition on Friday and the organisation of drivers to the venues, rboyle@stpiusx.nsw.edu.au.

  Mrs Elena Martin and Ms Raelene Boyle - Junior Chess Convenors