
Congratulations and best wishes to those celebrating their birthday this week.

Victoria Prep D

Edward 2A

Isabella 5A

Daniel 4A

Antonio 6B

Therese 5C

Matteos 5A

Josephine 5A

Ryan 5D

Kaleb 1D

Lily 3D

Samuel 2A

Mrs Balazs


Holiday Birthdays: 

Happy Birthday to everyone who is celebrating over the Term 1 break:-


Mercedes Prep A, Montolivo 6D, Avleen 4C, Carlos 5C,

David 6D, Alvera 1D, Ninmar 4C, Alexander 2D, Ava 1A,

Isabella 6C, Keerat 4A, Tavleen 4B, Indianna 3B, Manuel 1C,

Nenorta 1C, Zoe 2D, Michael 1B, Leonardo Prep A, Anayat Prep A,

Dia 1D, Eva 3B, Aria 1D, Aiyana 2B, Holly 5A, Aviraj Prep A, 

Georgie 1C, Maribella 1A, Davyon 5A, Aidan 6A.

Ms Matti and Mr Petruolo