

Rural Fire Service Visit

Staff's Student of the Week - 05/04/2024

Congratulations  Joey  for the progress you are making in learning your sounds and letters.


Student's Student of the Week - 05/04/2024 

This weeks award was presented to Evie-Lee for using your manners, helping others and not rushing the comprehension assessment. - Amazing Effort!!!



Student's Student of the Week - 12/04/2024

Well done Leroy for being kind to others and not giving up on challenges.




Staff's Student of the Week - 12/04/2024

Congratulations Chaise for working on his mindset and reacting appropriately to his emotions.


Aussie of the Month - Curiosity

Congratulations Chaise


Happy Birthday Chanse


Rural Fire Service Visit

Students were excited to have a visit from the RFS on Thursday 11 April.  They participated in a Fire Safety discussion and learnt STOP, DROP & ROLL as well as GET DOWN LOW & GO.

Along with the serious side of the visit was the fun of being able to climb up into the Fire Vehicle and of course see the flashing lights and hear the siren.


These visits are invaluable for the children.


*Don't forget the community gathering being hosted by the Tamworth RFS Fire Control Centre this Saturday. You will be able to access Bushfire Preparedness Information and Advice as well as catch up with your neighbours - Niangala Hall, Saturday 13 April from 4-5.30pm.