Inquiry in the 1/2 Unit

Throughout Term 1, the 1/2 unit will be exploring weather around Australia. We will be looking into different types of weather and where different types of weather commonly occurs around our country. 

The students have already written their wonderings and have many questions about wind, clouds, storms and many more.

The students will revisit the POE model, where they predict, observe and explain about how rain is made, how lightening occurs and many more. As a unit, we will encourage the students to observe the weather throughout the day and ask themselves, has it altered and why?

At home, we encourage you to talk about the weather. Discuss what the forecast is for the day and reflect on that again later that afternoon. Ask your child ‘was the weather report accurate for today?’

We look forward to the students making personal observations many times throughout the day and prepare yourselves to your child to be discussing and asking many questions about the weather.

Last week, we opened our Inquiry by making kites. This ‘hooked’ the students in and they have been writing recounts about that experience this week. The kites could be a good conversation starter for your family… ‘Is today a good day to fly your kite? Why or why not?

We are very excited about this Inquiry unit!