Curriculum Programs
Physical Education
Term 4 saw both campuses attend the Foundation to Grade 4 swimming program at Noble Park Aquatic Centre. It was fantastic to see so many smiling faces while participating in a wonderful, educational program.
The water safety day was a highlight as students were able to learn how to be safe around places with water such as the beach, rivers and lakes. The students learnt how to save a person using everyday items, such as, a cricket bat and an esky lid, how to throw a rope to rescue someone and how to put on and take off a life jacket.
In other P.E. news, students have continued to develop their fitness and collaboration skills while participating in small group or whole class games and activities. Foundation students extended their knowledge of how to grip a bat and a racquet. They used this knowledge to strike a ball and some students were able to hit a backhand. The JLC have been focusing on striking and ball handling skills. They have had the opportunity to practise fielding and throwing a ball to a target.
While the MLC have learnt how to play modified cricket games and European Handball. It was pleasing to see their development of their eye hand skills. The SLC have had a lot of fun developing their frisbee throwing skills and playing badminton. Some students experimented with the wind and how it altered the course of the frisbee.
Mr Vincent Coad
Physcial Education Teacher
(Heights Campus)