Student Voice
Student Voice : Heights Campus
On the 6th December, our Year 6 students came together on Springvale Campus to practice their graduation song all together. The students have been practising for 2 weeks so they can have the best time at graduation. They’ve been working so hard on the Graduation song and creating dance moves that match the lyrics. We can’t tell you what the song is, because it’s supposed to be a surprise for graduation!
After all this practice, we chose a partner and then each pair had to find another pair from the other campus to compete together in the AMAZING race! It was a great way to spend time and everyone was racing around trying to be the first to finish and find the prize! We were competing in a riddle-like race where we had to solve the clue to work out where to go next, and then complete a task to get the next clue. One of them was to shoot 30 points at the netball ring! That took a long time! We did an egg and spoon race at another stop. Everyone had a blast while competing to win the prize of M&Ms.
Once we had finished the exciting Amazing Race, we walked from the Springvale Campus to the Springvale Library. We played at the Springvale Community Hub Playground and got to eat some delicious pizza and sushi. We had so much fun spending time with our friends and just enjoying one of our last times being at primary school all together.
This will be our final newsletter written by the Heights Campus 2023 School Captains and we wish everyone reading all the best for next year and the next school captains! And we are sure you also wish our graduating class the best and hope they can accomplish all their dreams!
Heights School Captains