From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Springvale Campus)

Snapshots from Springvale Camp

The JLC and SLC students have enjoyed cooking in Vietnamese class this week. The JLC students enjoyed healthy smoothies, whilst the SLC made a banh mi. The students loved the experience and rated their cooking a 10/10. The delicious smell infiltrated the hallways, leaving other staff and students truly jealous. 

The FLC students have enjoyed using hands on resources during a wet day timetable. Students worked collaboratively to build 3D puzzles, matching the egg to the animal and building 3D structures by copying an image. Engaging in building with hands on materials, supports the students to develop their spatial and geometric reasoning skills, and their collaboration skills. 

The SLC students also engaged in the Life Saving Victoria incursion last week. They learnt about the signs they might see at the beach, and about beach safety. Students learnt survival skills, including how to escape a riptide, and they also learnt basic CPR skills and how to use a boogie board. 

The teachers across both campuses have also started to prepare for the 2024 school year. Teachers have begun collaborating with their new teams to plan for a successful start to 2024 for students, with a particular focus on supporting students to build connections and relationships with their new class members. 


Next week, our whole school, end of year awards ceremony will take place at the Springvale Town Hall. There will be a variety of awards, acknowledgments, performances and the announcement of the 2024 Student Leadership Team. All families are encouraged to attend, we hope to see you there! There will also be a celebration at the Springvale Campus following the event, families are also encouraged to come along to watch all students perform a special dance. 


Enjoy the sunshine, 




Miss Carly Jamar

Assistant Principal

(Springvale Campus)