From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)
Highlights from Heights Campus
What a year it has been! So many special events have been celebrated. Students have participated in excursions to wonderful destinations. MLC and SLC have experienced camp life and adventures. Friendships have been made. Students have engaged in so many learning opportunities!
Thank you to our families for being a part of our Springvale Rise PS community. It has been wonderful getting to know you and your child/children this year. I look forward to seeing everyone after the holidays and hearing what exciting things you did over the break.
MLC Cooking: The Kitchen Garden program has been a big success this year, especially for our MLC students who engaged in lots of new skills in the kitchen. Mrs Cottier and I are very lucky to get to taste test so many of the delicious dishes the students have created with the guidance of Mrs Malan. This week our MLC students made gnocci with a tomato-based sauce. Yum!
Playgroup End of Year Celebrations: We were lucky to have the amazing Mrs Julie Raciti lead our HUB this year; with wonderful activities for all our families and community members. To finish off the year on Heights Campus families completed some activities by creating a clay handprint and then built and decorated a gingerbread house! It looks amazing!
Visual Art: The super creative students from the SLC have been busy decorating and personalising their own pencil cases which they can keep as a special memory from their primary school years. And the MLC students have been improving their skills in paper craft by creating ‘triaramas’ based on a room from their house. How cool do these look?
BEST of all you can make one at home in the holidays. All you will need is some paper and bits and pieces from home and you too will be able to create your very own personalised room!
Eat the Rainbow- Healthy Eating Challenge:
Last week all classes participated in Healthy eating and brought lots of fruit and vegetables to eat at recess and lunch. We also kept a tally to find out which class would win the Pizza Making Party. The lucky class was…….. 4/5C. On Friday, they worked with Belinda from Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation to make the most amazing healthy pizzas! Some lucky teachers also had one made for them…. it was scrumptious!
Thank you to our SRC committee and Mrs Bertrand for organising!
Save the date:Friday 15th December is our end of year Whole School Assembly and Award Presentation at the Springvale Town Hall at 9:30am. We hope lots of our families can also come and join in and have some fun after the awards on the Springvale Campus from 11.30am.
Last Day of School for 2023: Wednesday 20th December will be the last day for 2023. School finishes at 1.30pm!
Mrs Suzanne Stubbings Acting Assistant Principal
(Heights Campus)