Principal's Report  

Mr Pitt  

Dear Parents/ Carers, 



Mrs Ashleigh Jewo commences maternity leave at the end of next week. We wish the Jewo family all the very best as they await the arrival of baby #2. I can also report that both Mrs Gina Lale and Mrs Merna have had their babies. Mrs Lale welcomed Alexander and Mrs M. Jewo welcomed Natalie. Babies galore at Fairvale! 



At the end of Week 8 we will be saying farewell to Mrs Pearl Orwin, our teacher librarian who will be moving to a high school in the role of visual arts teacher. During her time at Fairvale PS, Mrs Orwin has been committed to ensuring the school library was a place rich of evidence-based experiences with relevant resources for both staff and students. She has promoted her love of flexible learning and has provided many opportunities for students to engage in activities such as robotics, Minecraft, Lego and video making. Mrs Orwin has also provided the learning community with many opportunities to take part in various activities and annual events during her time as teacher librarian. Examples include the premier’s reading challenge, maker space break time activities, NAIDOC week celebrations, Refugee Week, Book Fairs and Book Week. We say a big thank you to Mrs Orwin and wish her well in the future.


We are currently organising class structures for 2024 and last week we sent home a note regarding family plans for 2024. If you are returning to Fairvale PS in 2024 you do not need to anything, however, if you are planning on leaving OR returning a little late then we need you to complete the note. If you would like to speak to someone about this, please contact the office.  



This last fortnight I visited 4 Tomaree and our First Nations Mentor group.

4 TOMAREE – Last Monday morning I visited 4T during literacy. Children were sharing their knowledge of contractions. It was pleasing to see everyone that was able to share lots of examples as well as being able to talk about when to use an apostrophe. After sharing their understanding, Miss Tram read a text and everyone had to circle the contractions. There were lots to circle! I enjoyed visiting 4T – a great way to kick off Week 5!

FIRST NATIONS MENTOR GROUP On Tuesday I visited one of our First Nations groups. Everyone was learning about the resources (from the land) which can be used to assist with painting. Miss Jesudason, currently in the First Nations Mentor role, gave everyone a pretend ‘coolamon’ (basket) and we headed out into the bush to find resources. We found leaves, bark and sticks. When we returned to the classroom, we used string to make our paintbrushes. It was a fun visit. I look forward to seeing the finished product. 

Check out some of the pics in this week’s edition of the newsletter.



Every student has had the opportunity to visit the Healthy Harold bus in the past week. This year, Life Education, fully funded the sessions for the students at our school. This was a lovely gesture and on behalf of the Fairvale PS community I would like to thank Life Education for doing this. Students gain much knowledge during the visit as well as having the chance to meet Healthy Harold is always such a thrill.  


Children received notes last week regarding our MULTICULTURAL DAY and FAIR DAY. Both days will be a lot of fun for everyone. During MULTICULTURAL DAY children can dress up in cultural dress and celebrate. During FAIR DAY, we ask that parents/ carers understand that we are remaining COVID-Smart and request support by following all directions from Fairvale staff on the day. 

FAIR DAY is not for high-school brothers, sisters, friends or cousins to attend as the one adult per family. 


We have some exciting events still to come this year. See information below.

Have a great fortnight,

Anthony Pitt


I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit. 

   Selective high school applications opening

Selective high school Year 7 entry in 2025—open 9 October to 20 November 2023. 

Selective high schools provide a learning environment designed for academically gifted and high potential students. 

They help students learn by:

 • grouping them with other gifted students 

• using specialised teaching methods so students can learn at a quicker pace and in more detail 

• supporting their unique wellbeing needs. 


Most students in selective high schools enjoy learning more when their classmates have similar abilities and interests. Research shows that students benefit both academically and socially from the learning environment in selective high schools. Selective high schools are unzoned so you can apply no matter where you live. 

The application process:

Complete the online application

Applications close on 20 November 2023. 

Once the application has been submitted and processed your child will be allocated to a test centre to sit the Selective High School Placement Test on 9 May 2024. Selective high school places are offered based on students’ test performance (academic merit).

For more information, please go to


Notes have been sent out with Year 5 students..


For more information, please contact Mrs Sloggett