SEL Awards

Foundation-Year 5 Awards

Whole School Assembly 

Friday, 24th November @2.40pm



Foundation- Year 5 Awards


Archie FEM- For always showing compassion towards his peers and being a great role model for our class. 


Raff FMK- For his positive attitude towards learning and always putting in his best effort. Well done Raff!


Albie FJR- For amazing commitment to his reading. Well done!


Jack FMM- For always trying to make great choices.


Georgia FMK- For the kindness she has shown towards her peers and being a caring and supportive friend. Well done Georgia!


Penelope 1GL- For resilience and always showing kindness to others.


Heidi 1AW- For your amazing attitude towards your learning. You always try your best and have smashed all your goals. Well done Heidi!


Isaac 1AM-  For showing commitment to his learning and never giving up. Well done Isaac!


Evie 2KD- For demonstrating a positive growth mindset this term. Evie has been trying hard in all areas of school life. Keep up the amazing work!


Quinn 2MH- For showing empathy to others and always lending a helping hand. 


Eden 2AG- For her consistently caring and inclusive attitude towards others. 


Isla 3FA- For always trying her best and demonstrating kindness.  Well done Isla.


Harry 3KB- For demonstrating outstanding kindness towards his peers and always trying his best


Charlie 3JC- You always show hope and resilience during learning. Well done, Charlie!


 Daisy 4JE- For outstanding attitude for all learning tasks.


Zoe 4SE- It is in recognition of her growth mindset and dedication toward all aspects of school.


Kayla 4MJ- For having an optimistic outlook and bringing a positive mindset to her education. Well done Kayla!


Indi 4AM- For her optimism and positivity in the classroom and outside.


Zara 5CC- For being super resilient and achieving amazing assessment results. Keep believing in yourself!!


Samuel 5CC- For excellent commitment in all learning areas. Fantastic assessment results. You should be super proud!!


Bella 5CM- Is always an honest and reliable class member, she has strong values and is a wonderful example to our cohort.


Oliver 5CM- Shows integrity in all he does, making him a valuable class member who is honest and reliable.