Child Safety & the School Holidays

Message from Casey Council

help keep our children safe, here are some handy key road safety tips during the holidays:

  • Always supervise your children.  Do not allow them to play in driveways or on nature strips.
  • Hold hands with your children when near roads and walking through carparks or shopping centers as these can be busier with frequently reversing and moving vehicles.
  • Practice Stop, Look, Listen & Think every time you cross the road.
  • Teach children about road safety every time you are out near the roads - practice these life skills at traffic lights, zebra crossings and footpath curbs.
  • Roads, footpaths, parks, carparks, and bike tracks can look very different in the holiday period or maybe totally foreign to a child – take time to explain this to your child.
  • Ensure your child is in the correct child restraint and always wears their seatbelt when in the car.
  • When your child rides a bike or scooter, ensure they wear a helmet.    See below information to choose the correct helmet and fitting. 

More Resources for parents over the school holidays:

Road Safety - Kidsafe VIC

Mental health supports for students over school holidays (

Helmets: What you need to know - Courtesy of Road to Zero