Year 7 Museum Exhibition
Year 7 students acted as archaeologists and museum curators as they crafted their own ancient Chinese artefacts to demonstrate their understanding of life in ancient China and their relevance today. These artefacts along with their informative explanations of each piece were then displayed for all to see. It was great to see the amount of time and thought that had gone into the creation of a broad range of well-made artefacts such as weapons, models and even clothing. Many students, teachers and parents attended the exhibition with students showing immense pride in their work, further explaining to people their artefacts and knowledge of ancient China in the process. Keep up the fantastic work Year 7!
Year 9 ANZAC Legacy Project
Year 9 students ended Term 1 with a legacy project to collect donations for Care Packages to be sent overseas to our Australian military service personnel to arrive in time for ANZAC Day. Students and staff and members of our community generously donated a significant amount of food, luxury toiletries, games and entertainment activities for this year’s legacy project and we were fortunate enough for two serving military personnel to join us for the afternoon, helping create the care packages and talking to students about their roles and careers in the military and experiences serving our country. In total, Kurri Kurri High School Year 9 students collated and posted 44 ANZAC Care Packages this year, doubling last year’s effort. The HSIE team are immensely proud of this year’s success, and we hope to continue growing this legacy project in 2025.
Students from our year 9 HPGE class, Noah Condon and Lydia Goodlet, worked hard to create an audio-visual presentation on the story of local World War One veteran Joseph Elliott. This was presented at our ANZAC Day assembly at the commencement of Term 2, along with a presentation of Corporal Elliott's medals to KKHS. We have now submitted this project to the Department of Veterans’ Affairs’ ANZAC Day Schools Awards and hope to see our students’ wonderful work recognised.
Year 11 Independent Projects
Year 11 students in all HSIE subjects are starting independent projects that allow them to choose a topic that they are passionate about to explore aspects of the syllabus. Geography is starting their Geographical Investigation where students need to complete fieldwork to explore the impacts of human activities on the local environment. The environmental impacts of increased urbanisation in Heddon Greta, the impacts of human activities in Werakata National Park, and the effectiveness of ‘Cool Burn’ management strategies for bushfires in the local area are some of the topics that students have chosen. Society and Culture is starting their Mini Personal Interest Project where students explore how aspects of our society impact the development of identity of a certain group of people. The ethics of Artificial Intelligence, Eurocentric beauty standards and media presentation of K-pop idols are some of the topics that students have chosen. Both Ancient and Modern History are starting their Historical Investigation where they use critical research skills to explore key features of a specific society or the significance and continuity and change of a certain perspective or event. Women in motorsport, The Manhattan Project and Ned Kelly are some of the topics that students have chosen. These projects allow students to actively explore their interests but also require organisation and dedication. We look forward to seeing what Year 11 will produce!
Year 12
Year 12 have been completing their third assessment task in subjects with only their Trial Examinations left. While we know this is a stressful time, the habits that are put in place now will set students up for success in their Higher School Certificate. Along with revising content, completing practice questions for teacher feedback is a great way to prepare. Also, a reminder for Society and Culture students that their Personal Interest Project will be due straight after the Trial Examinations. We wish Year 12 the best as they move steadily closer to the end of their school experience!