Year 12 – English Superstars 

Our Year 12 English Standard students have recently completed their portfolios, showcasing a remarkable array of writing skills. Each portfolio is a testament to their creativity, critical thinking, and dedication. From thought-provoking discursive responses to imaginative stories and insightful reflections, the students have demonstrated their ability to engage with diverse texts and express their ideas eloquently. Here are some excerpts for you to enjoy – take a look at how these talented writers continue to grow and excel. 

Once, there existed a field where vibrant flowers danced under the gentle caress of the breeze. They were a chorus of colours, painting the landscape like a kaleidoscope. The land was a tapestry of life, a symphony of greenery that seemed to stretch endlessly into the horizon. 
But now, there remained only one. A solitary soul amidst a desolate expanse of barren brown. This lone flower, once part of a million-strong choir, now stood as the final fragment of life in a world consumed by decay. Its once proud petals hung limp and weary, a testament to the relentless assault of a merciless sun.   
Mother nature’s dancer in red swept through plains and forests, through towns and 
over mountains. Her crimson dress seared those who dared go too near; her scarlet 
slippers suffocating the world with ash as their molten soles scorched the earth. Her long, flowing, ruby hair trailed behind her as she leapt between trees, soaring ever 
higher above the charcoaled forest, entrancing millions with her ravishing beauty and deadly grace. From within the flames emerges a bard clad in a fiery cloak. The 
bard's twisted ballad rang out, warping the already mutilated terrain. 


Nelson Mandela is a very respected individual and as I think about what education means to me; the value it holds to me, its value to other people, its purpose in a functioning society, I think about the common perception and misconceptions surrounding education. 
Most people would refer to school and learning a bunch of nothing, therefore their viewpoint is quite clouded with the wrong ideas. Education should be perceived as more of a continuous process that carries throughout someone’s life. You often hear people say that there are two things that are  inevitable; death and taxes. Why can’t education be classed as that too? Everyone is always processing new information, which leads to a new understanding. We (meaning humans) never stop learning, which brings me back to my point. Education is the most powerful weapon. 


Year 7 and 8 – Novel studies 

Year7 and 8 students are currently reading novels for analysis, an important skill that enhances critical thinking and comprehension. Engaging with diverse texts helps them develop a deeper understanding of literature and improves their analytical abilities. We're excited to see their insights and growth as young readers. Check out the texts they are engaging with!. 


Year 9 – A writing marathon! 

Year 9 students have completed their writing portfolios (the first assessment task in line with the new curriculum), demonstrating excellent work across all classes. Each student worked diligently to meet the task requirements, showcasing their creativity and determination. The portfolios feature a range of writing styles, highlighting the significant growth in their skills. From compelling narratives to thoughtful persuasives, their hard work is evident in every piece. Congratulations to our Year 9 students for their impressive achievements and dedication to improving their writing abilities. We are proud of their progress and look forward to their continued success as they tackle future assessment tasks and topics in line with the new curriculum.