Student Wellbeing

Meeting our new class - 2024

Change is a challenge for us all but especially for our children. This time of year brings up a range of emotions and this week in particular can be a week where some will find it exciting and others will feel overwhelmed. We acknowledge these feelings and want to make sure we equip our students with the strategies that will support them in a GREAT transition to their new grade. This starts at home and we have provided some strategies we hope will be helpful in supporting your child before this Thursday and next Tuesday’s Meet the Teacher days.


Encourage your child to show their excitement. Bring out those big smiles! Meeting new people and making friends is like unlocking a treasure chest of fun. Let your excitement shine through, and remember, everyone is feeling the same as you are walking into the room so your smile might make someone else day!


Making new connections is exciting! Be ready to meet new people. Be open to new friendships, and you'll discover a world of amazing adventures. Meeting your new teacher is exciting. We are so lucky at Greenhills to have so many wonderful teachers and staff. All of our staff want to make sure every child feels safe, happy and connected in their classroom. Feeling a bit nervous is totally normal, but guess what? Everyone feels that way sometimes! Take a deep breath, remind yourself of your superpowers, and remember, your new friends and teachers are here to support you every step of the way.


Keep a positive mindset whenever thinking about next year and your next year’s classroom. Believe in yourself, embrace challenges as opportunities, and watch how every day becomes an exciting adventure! Use the Zones of Regulation to check in with your emotions. Green is the "Go" zone, so aim for feeling calm and ready. If you're in another zone, think about the tool that helps you best and use it to make sure you are feeling positive.

Message for our parents around the Meet the Teacher sessions - “Parents, Keep It Positive!”

Parents, you play a key role in our team! Share in your child's excitement, talk about the amazing things awaiting them, and let them know you believe in their abilities. Talk about their new teacher, classmates and class in a positive way. Your positivity is contagious!


Let's make this Meet the Teacher Day the start of an incredible journey together. Get ready to shine, learn, and have a blast!


Janine Hough -

Brad Ryan -


Janine and Brad.