Physical Education Report

Mission Accomplished! 

Mrs Jacqui Hunter

On Sunday, 27th of August 2023, Mrs Jacqui Hunter pursued her first 42.2km marathon for Team Vorster. In the early hours of Sunday morning, the sun streamed across the lake in Shepparton; it was where she was to begin her marathon at 7:30. Steve, Jacqui’s husband was there at the start.


At 9 am, beaming from ear to ear, Jacqui was 13km in, knowing that she had many more hours and kilometres to run, yet she continued to increase her pace and had the sheer determination to power on. Before ten o’clock, Jacqui had completed her first lap, following the path like so many other athletes competing on the day. The day was calm with whispers of cloud, the spring sun making itself known in the last days of winter; it was just right for Craig and me to be there in person to support Jacqui in her endeavour to run for Team Vorster in the fight against brain cancer. 


In the days leading up to the marathon, Jacqui was moved by the severity of my story and my will to find the strength to be there for Craig, my husband, no matter what. The POWER of LOVE!  Jacqui found a way to support us. Through the Peace of Mind Foundation, Jacqui was spirited to open a page where YOU, the community of LPS, family and friends could donate so generously to people (like the Vorster Family) fighting a terminal illness, brain cancer.


It was with this incentive knowing that many more believed in her – the LEGEND she was, the GRACE she did it with and the POWER of love for us, her sport and the OPPORTUNITY to share her passion. Jacqui, you are an INSPIRATION and a CHAMPION.

At the 33 km mark, Jacqui was closing in on what she had achieved many times as a solo athlete; from there, Jacqui knew she had to find the strength of a lioness-having the belief in yourself to overcome any obstacle and the spirit of a wolf- finding the powerful guiding force behind every step towards the finishing line. 


We could track Jacqui’s courage to fight for what she believed in and face it head-on, putting one foot in front of the other. Past the 33km, it was new territory for Jacqui, but she gained momentum knowing we were waiting with her family at the finish. In Jacqui’s words –“thank you for making such an effort to come and watch a significant event in my life, too. It felt like a group of family members, Steve and the boys, you and Craig, were there to see me across the finish line. FEAR didn’t get in the way of the Hunters and Vorsters; together, we are BRAVE. What a special thing to do for me; I had tears in my eyes running up to the finish chute today”.


Wow! Jacqui, We have the POWER; we’ve GOT this! Your action, your mighty run, and your INSPIRATION humble us. Thank you; it was a wonderful day. It was emotional, but we were glad we were there to give you a HUG and SHOUT – 3 CHEERS for Mrs. JACQUI HUNTER! You made it! You ran 42.2km in 4h 37m, a PERSONAL BEST. Congratulations!


Craig and I would like to thank the families, colleagues and friends of LPS for your generous donations to the Peace of Mind Foundation and for encouraging Jacqui in her quest to run her FIRST full marathon. 

With appreciation from Mandy and Craig (husband)Vorster