Social Innovators Program Invitation
Calling Yr 8 & Yr 9 students with crazy, innovative ideas!
We would like to invite 50-60 Yr 8 & Yr 9 students to complete a 2-day design challenge as part of the Social Innovators Program. This is a well-known program run by Crazy Ideas College. You will work in a team and pitch your ideas to local community members and business partners at the end of the challenge.
Social Innovators Program has engaged thousands of young Australians to invent services and products that enrich the lives of their fellow citizens and showcase new and ingenious ways to care for our people and planet.
TIME: Thursday 19th October & Friday 20th October (Term 4, Week 3).
VENUE: Off campus – Gisborne venue to be confirmed
Not sure? Need more information? This will give you a better idea of what it’s all about: CIC Social Innovators Program (
Innovation is one of our school values. This is a great opportunity to see it in action!
If you are interested, please speak to Mrs Moore. This is your chance to show your interest, before we begin selecting students to participate.