Classroom Reports

Foundation & One
The F/1 class are getting very quick at knowing their number partners of ten. We all know five and five make ten, but see if they can tell you some other partners to ten. Some of us are working on partners to 20 and 100!! Whilst doing this, we have discovered some patterns.
This Thursday, our class has its free lunch from the canteen. Children will order this at school.
We hope our Father's Day gift that we are making also shows patterns! Don't forget the Father's Day stall on this Friday.
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher.
Years 1 & 2
It was fantastic to see all the different characters dressed up for Book Week last week. We had a fun day listening to some of the short-listed books and doing different activities in multi-age groups.
We are now getting excited to perform in the school production this Friday. We have been practising with Miss Ferguson and have some pretty impressive moves!
In class we are working on division in Maths and are continuing to find out about mixtures in science.
Mrs McKenzie & Miss Martin Classroom Teachers
Careers Incursion for Foundation to Year 2
Big thank you to Kim from Ambulance Victoria for speaking with our F-2 students on Tuesday the 29th of August.
Year 3
Hello to Grade 3 Parents, Carers and Community.
What a busy two weeks. We have been lucky enough to participate in both Science Week and Book Week.
For Science Week we were lucky enough to go to the Senior Science room and participate in activities organised by Mr Merritt. Then it was Book Week and we had a fantabulous dress up parade and super activities for the short listed books. Thanks to Miss A and her team for the organisation of these great activities.
A reminder that our School Production is on Friday. I can’t wait!
We have continued working collaboratively and produced another piece of art. It is a pleasure to see all the students being engaged in these projects.
Please remind and encourage the students to complete their reading diaries and spelling homework.
Here are our Focuses:
Maths- Division
Literacy- Procedures
Inquiry- Sustainability
History- Our First Peoples and Explorers
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4,5 and 6
Applied Maths
For the last three weeks we have split into three groups for our weekly Applied Maths lesson. The Grade 4s joined us for this time, where we participated in 3 different lessons with Mrs Turnbull, Miss Anderson and Miss Douglas.
Mrs Turnbull assisted students to design and create their own satellite, Miss A worked with students to measure and make their own playdough and Miss D problem solved with students in the Home Eco room where they only had a ¼ cup to measure ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.
The feedback from students was extremely positive, with our Friday Applied Maths lessons becoming a highlight of the week. We are hoping to make this work again in the near future with different activities for the students to explore.
Grade 6 Reminder
A reminder that Monday 4th September is a half day transition for Grade 6 students, with many great activities planned for students to ‘have a taste’ of year 7! Students will be provided with a locker where they can store their bag, drink bottle, pencil case, exercise book and recess/lunch for the day.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s classroom teacher.
Miss Anderson Yr 4, Ms Douglas 5/6A and Mrs Turnbull 5/6B, Classroom Teachers
Year 7 Art
The Year 7 art class enjoyed an ice cream while they created their own in clay form. The students visited the Bendigo Art Gallery and viewed the ice creams made by artist Kenny Pittock. Final ice cream designs will be on show soon.
Ms Herrington, Art Teacher
Year 7 Maths
In Maths, students have been looking at real world money problems and learning to work out discounts and savings. Homework is set once a week, with students having one homework sheet due to be handed in every Thursday. Having just done a homework check-in, some students are doing a great job with their homework. From our SWPBS Matrix, students can earn 5 Burnbucks for completing all the sheets to date (I will always complete my classwork and homework), 5 Burnbucks for handing work in on time (I will be on time ready to learn), and 5 Burnbucks for making a good effort with their homework (I will keep trying).
So this is just a shout out to all the Year 7 Maths students who have been making a GREAT effort with their homework:
15 Burnbucks: Emily, Olivia, Riley, Bella, Aurelia, April, Violet, Xander, Nada
10 Burnbucks: Ben, Chelsea, Alexis
5 Burnbucks: Brock, Caitlyn
Well done everyone, keep up the excellent effort and remember, you can get help with your homework every Tuesday and Thursday at Homework Club. That would really be making a good effort!
Miss Moody, Year 7 Maths Teacher.
Year 8 Art
The winner of the 'Bald Archy' prize will be announced at next week's Whole School Assembly during Period 2b -12.10pm. Everyone is welcome to come along.
Mrs Barker, Art Teacher.
Year 9 Duke of Ed
The Year 9 (MY9) class working in the garden at school – weeding and mulching the vegetable beds. They were very surprised to see how many weeds had grown, and what plants went to flower before they were picked to eat. There are lots of lettuce coming along well and radish, which some students had a try eating. The students appreciation for where food comes from has definitely grown (excuse the pun!!)
Mrs Herrington, Year 9 Homeroom Teacher.
Year 11 & 12
Melbourne Trip
On the Thursday the 17th of August we left school at 7am to begin our journey to Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. We started our journey in the school mini-bus before making a quick stop in Marong for breakfast and a much needed coffee break. Everyone was super excited by that time, laughing, singing and cracking jokes, only a few hours to go! We then drove on to Watergarden where we made a transfer to the Metro train bound for Southern Cross Station.
After a short walk we made it to the Convention and Exhibition Centre passing a giant old fashioned sailing ship and the many shopping outlets. At the venue you had the opportunity to explore various careers and trades from hairdressing and fashion design to bricklaying and cybersecurity. We were able to all experience hands on real examples of what we could expect to do in the field that we chose. There were builders, cooks, and many more on display working. For example, they had builders constructing walls, florists arranging flowers, and fashion designers sewing clothes. This helped inspire students by just watching what they do. After a while of walking around we found ourselves finishing up early so we made a short trip to DFO, which was a quick five minute walk away so we all did a little shopping. We then regrouped to make the long trip back home.
We finally returned back in Wedderburn around 5pm.
Big 'shout out' of thanks to Mrs Woodman and Mr G for giving the Year 11 and 12 students the opportunity to attend this special event and for accompanying us.
By Pippi & Anna
Footy Fever is ramping up!
As the footy season is reaching a crescendo and the finals matches are looming, the Wedderburn College Footy Tipping Competition has concluded. We are pleased to announce that the winner is our very own School Captain, Zen Joyner. Footy tipping has formed part of the Monday morning Homegroup conversation in VCE throughout the season when Zen, Mrs Woodman and Mr G have competed neck to neck to gain the highest score for the round and first place in the overall tally. Zen (The Prophet) Joyner was announced winner on Monday with equal second place going to Mr Gretgrix, Mrs Woodman and Ms Milne. Congratulations to all winners and especially to Zen! (that’s awesome!)
Mr Gretgrix, Mrs Woodman and Mrs Ritchie, Year 11 & 12 Homeroom Teachers.
SRC Notice
Brought to you by the SRC team
Youth Week 2023
Week 10: 11th- 15th of September
Each day a new theme and activity will be run for students by our SRC members. It would be great to have all students get involved.
Monday – BOLD! (Wear something bright and bold!)Tuesday – Transform (Students dress like teachers and teachers dress like students) Wednesday – Enchant (Bring your favourite Teddy and your comfy PJ’s for our teddy bear picnic) Thursday – Explore (Bring something other than a backpack for the day)
Friday – Active! (Wear your teams colours!)
More details will come out closer to the date.
From the SRC team! 😊
Year 7 2024 Information
Year 6 – 7 First Half Day Transition 2023: Monday September 4
Timetable for the Day
Subject | Teacher | |
Pick up from Inglewood PS and St Mary’s PS @ 9am |
| Mr Lockhart |
Homeroom – 1a | School tour and activity | Mr Lockhart |
1b | Art | Mrs Herrington |
Recess | ||
2a | Digital | Mr Monaco |
2b | Science | Mr Merritt |
Lunch | ||
1:30pm | Return to Inglewood PS and St Mary’s PS @ 2pm approx. – WC Year 6 to return to normal classes after lunch | Ms Graham |
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Year 10 Tchoukball
The past few weeks, our Year 10 students have been learning Tchoukball, a game which originated in Switzerland and has a focus on teamwork, strategy and tactics. Students have adjusted their strategical thinking and ball movement and as a result, the flow of the games has improved significantly in just a few short weeks.
Mr P’s Secondary Student of the Fortnight
This fortnight, the award goes to Travis Lowe. The past 2 weeks, Travis has positively displayed some of our expected behaviours in the classroom in both Year 10 HPE and Unit 2 VCE PE. He has been able to stay on task, complete all classwork and be an active learner. Well done on making these improvements in your learning.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the Fortnight is: Payton Tatt-Frater. Since her arrival, Payton has been an excellent role model in class. She always follows the rules, participates in all lessons, and assists others. Well done, Payton!
Survey For Parents
Wedderburn College is conducting a survey to find out what parents/caregivers/ guardians think of our school. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.
All families are invited to participate in the survey.
The Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey will be open from Wednesday 9 August to Friday 8 September 2023.
The survey will be conducted online, only takes 20 minutes to complete, and can be accessed at any convenient time within the survey period on desktop computers, laptops, tablets or smartphones.
Your participation will be greatly appreciated. Please keep a lookout in your email for login details. If you have changed your email address recently contact the front office so that your records can be updated.
For further information please contact Mr Iser.
Homework Club
Homework Club is held each Tuesday and Thursday at lunchtime in Room 11, students can drop in and work in a quiet, warm space. They can work independently or get help as required. As this is a voluntary program designed to give students an opportunity to catch up, own their learning, or get ahead, Homework Club is a chance for students to demonstrate our core values of Responsibility and Resilience.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.