Secondary Notices

Important Dates
- Tuesday, August 29 - School Photos Senior Secondary, Years 10-12
- Wednesday, August 30 - Young Drivers Expo - Year 11
- Wednesday, August 30 - Year 11/12 Music Recital Evening (see flyer below)
- Thursday, August 31 - School Photos Years 7-9
- Friday, September 1 - Father's Day BBQ Breakast, House Shakespeare Day
- Monday, September 4 - Calrossy Pathways Certificate Assembly
- Wednesday, September 6 - Year 7 Vaccinations
- September 8-9 - Quirindi Show
- Monday, September 11 - Year 11 Exams Commence
- Wednesday, September 20 - Year 12 Boarder Farewell
- Thursday, September 21 - Year 12 Graduation
- Friday, September 22 - Year 12 Formal Dinner
Father’s Day Breakfast
All secondary students are invited to attend the Father’s day Breakfast at Brisbane Street from 7:30am. Students are to come along with their dad or significant father figure in their life. If you would like to come please let us know by clicking below.
Shakespeare Day
Coffee and Cake - Yr 11 & 12 Music Recital
Movie Premiere
The Calrossy…. Our Light and Life documentary project is coming to fruition after more than a year of interviewing, researching and delving into the archives. We have uncovered previously unseen archival images that have been restored to their former glory. We have interviewed past principals and heard from Alumni and one thing that stands out through this process is the story of resilience. Calrossy has faced numerous challenges from World Wars to global epidemic’s and from the interviews one thing stands out, our staff have always been committed to quality education and supporting the needs of their students.
We invite you to purchase a ticket and join us at the Capitol Theatre Tamworth on Friday 15th September.
Operation Christmas Child
Calrossy has supported the initiative providing international relief by Samaritan’s Purse for many years.
Each year members of our school community combine to pack boxes for children in the world who would not otherwise receive a Christmas gift.
The Boarding community has been very active in this area of service. This year Junior and Secondary day school classes are being encouraged to participate also.
Shoe boxes are available from BSC and WCC receptions and the Boarding Office, along with a brochure’s explaining what items that can be placed in the boxes.
We would encourage anyone interested to collect and return the boxes by Friday 20th of October.
Natasha Rosky and Maria Buster
Perspectives Survey
The deadline for parents to complete this important survey has been slightly extended. Your input is encouraged as it will provide information on perceptions and opinions around significant aspects of school life. Whilst many of us suffer from ‘survey fatigue’, a short fifteen minutes will provide helpful feedback to shape future directions and leadership at Calrossy. If you cannot find your link to the survey, please email The survey will close this Thursday 31 August at 10pm.