From the Head of Junior School

Claire Smith

In today's fast-paced world, education often gets reduced to a narrow focus on academics and test scores. However, there's a growing realisation that true education extends far beyond the classroom, encompassing a diverse range of experiences. This week we have focused on Bravery. Often we need bravery to move forward when facing new challenges and activities. We have certainly seen this throughout the many activities our students have undertaken recently.

Isaiah 41:13 "For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you."

Our Musical this term, the IPSHA Choir performance at Town Hall last week, the upcoming Father’s Day Assembly and Grandparent’s Day Assemblies are expressions of how we integrate Music and the Creative Arts at Calrossy. It is a development of language that transcends boundaries. Integrating this into education fosters creativity, discipline, and emotional intelligence. It teaches our children to express themselves in ways words often cannot.

This past fortnight we have seen excellence and bravery at the HRIS Athletics Carnival, HRIS Netball and Tamworth Touch Football Gala Day. Sport teaches our children the values of hard work, perseverance, and resilience. When students participate in sporting pursuits, they discover the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship. Beyond the physical benefits, these lessons prepare them to face life's challenges with courage and determination.

Year 1 had their very first school camp last week, when they had a special sleepover at school. School camps are more than just a break from the routine. They offer students a chance to step out of their comfort zones and access activities beyond the classroom. These experiences encourage independence and problem-solving skills, helping our children develop the courage to embrace new adventures, even when they seem daunting.

Book Week is always one of my favourite events in the school calendar. Thank you Mrs Merrick and the Library Team, for a wonderful week. The magic of reading and storytelling is truly celebrated throughout Book Week. It encourages children to explore new worlds and ideas through award winning literature. Reading enhances cognitive abilities and as children dive into the pages of books, they learn empathy through characters and can confront difficult themes.

You can read above that it has been a busy few weeks, but we enjoy this. We enjoy providing wonderful opportunities for our beautiful students to thrive across diverse learning environments.


Have a great week.


Claire Smith

Head of Junior School