Message from the Chaplain

Rev Mark Rundle

 Books That Give


This year’s “chapter” of Book Week has just closed, along with the costume-making challenges that goes with the celebrations!  But Book Week got me wondering: Do you remember the first book you were ever given?  I can’t remember which book it was for me – I’ve turned far too many pages over the years to recall that first page turn!  However, I discovered some years ago that part of parenthood can be rediscovering books from when you were young. And when you read them once again – not for you, but for your children– so many memories of them come back to you.  The bizarre actions by dogs of various colours in Go Dog Go.  How Max went without his supper to the land in his room Where The Wild Things Are, engaged in “the wild rumpus”, and returned to find his supper there – “and it was still hot”.  The laziness of Maisie and the loyalty of Horton both receiving their just reward, with the hatching of an “elephant-bird”, in Horton Hatches The Egg (still my Dr Seuss favourite).  And so on…


Whether it’s the characters, or the places to which the story takes you, or the twists and turns in the plot that keep you intrigued, a favourite book does keep you coming back to it again and again – whether you’re remembering it, or re-reading it!  It is a gift that, in so many ways, just keeps on giving…


Regardless of whether you’re a frequent, occasional or avoid-if-at-all-possible reader of books, there’s one story in which we all take part – the story contained in the Book that is our Creator’s gift to us.  It’s a Book with countless unique characters; that describes places both familiar and also beyond our imagining; and containing a plot which God guides, through all sorts of twists and turns, to His perfect conclusion.  The thing is, all too few people take the opportunity to open this Book for themselves, to know its Author and all that He has done for them.  What about you?      

Rugby World Cup Dinner


The rugby season here might be coming to an end; but the Rugby World Cup is about to begin in France!  To celebrate the event, Calrossy (in conjunction with North Tamworth Anglican Church) is holding a Rugby World Cup Dinner on Saturday 21st October, in the Bishop Peter Chiswell Hall on our William Cowper Campus!  Along with a magnificent dinner, there’ll be prizes, a Rugby World Cup Trivia Quiz, and Super Rugby player Ed Craig as guest speaker. More information, and the chance to book your tickets, coming out this week – get in early for a great night! For tickets scan the QR code below.