Science Week at EPS

Monday 21st Aug - Friday 25th Aug 2023

Prep Unit

Prep students are inquiring about Chemical Sciences, learning specifically about materials and what objects are made from. 

During Science Week 2023, we investigated different materials for a lesson we called: 'That's my Hat!' Student's classified materials into hard, soft, spiky, smooth and bumpy. Check out the results in the photos below.


Grade 1 Unit

This term, Grade 1 students have begun looking at Chemical Science. We are investigating Materials and Change. We have recapped different types of materials (paper, wood, metal, plastic, rubber, cloth) and discussed why different materials are suited to different purposes - who would want a bed made out of glass? 

We investigated the different ways materials can be changed (folding, squashing/pushing, bending, stretching, ripping, cutting or chopping, rolling, twisting, heating, cooling etc) and watched a clip about how hard candy is made. It was amazing how big the roll begins to how small it became once stretched.  When it was hot it was really easy to shape and stretch, but once it cooled it became really hard. We have used different actions to change clay to create characters, like might be used in a Claymation. Please check out our photos below.

flattening & rolling
flattening & rolling

Grade 2 Unit

During Science Week, the Grade 2 students continued their inquiry topic about Earth and Earth's natural resources. We focused on the water cycle and did an experiment to help us understand the terms 'evaporation', 'condensation' and 'precipitation'. 

We then did a second experiment with shaving cream, food dye and water to help us understand how rain falls. 

Grade 3 Unit

The Grade Three Students conducted an experiment that involved making rockets made from balloons and straws for Science Week.

This linked with our learning from the previous week about Neil Armstrong. Students watched a rocket launch and then were given a list of materials that they could use to make their own balloon rocket. Students had to investigate how to make it work, how to make it go faster or slower and if they could make it go further. They then discussed why it worked in relation to the law of motion.


Grade 4 Unit

During Science Week, the Grade Fours engaged in an experiment called "Get On My Level". The aim was to make two levels, just like in a building, using just paper cups and cardboard that a student will standon. Success= The level held their weight. In groups of six, they set off designing their base and second level with the aim of using as few cups as possible. With many great designs, just four cups was the least amount used in total across both levels. Overall, it was a fun Wednesday afternoon! 


Grade 5/6 Unit

During Science Week, the Fives and Sixers competed against each other in a bridge making competition. Their objective: To balance all 7 Harry Potter books on their bridge without it collapsing. 

The rules:

  • They could only use paper and sticky tape to make their bridge.
  • The bridge span had to be at least 30cm long.
  • The books must sit on the bridge above the gap, not on the supports.
  • They could not tape the bridge to the table.

After some serious judging... and many Harry Potter books later... It was decided that the Fives won the competition. Well done to Kyle, Lincoln, Jackson, Hunter and Aiden!