Library News

Book Week 


A huge thank you to the wonderful parents who have volunteered to contact books for the Library - your efforts have been amazing and greatly appreciated.



By the time you are reading this we will have enjoyed another amazing Book Week. This year the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia) theme for Book Week was Read, Grow, Inspire

  • On Thursday the Book Week parade was held and there were many fantastic costumes from students and staff. 
  • The Blurbs performed today to an audience of staff, students and parents. They were amazing!
  • On Monday Grades Prep to Grade 2 will be entertained by Perform Education with a performance of Book Week titles.


This week I have been emailing parents regarding their student's overdue books. Could you please take the time to look for these books and return them to the library as soon as possible.


BOOK CLUB - Issue 6

Ordering for Book Club Issue 6 is to be finalised by Thursday 31st of August.


Keep reading!

-Mrs Lister 😊